Pentru ca a venit primavara si trebuie sa profitam de toate aromele legumelor, m-am gandit sa prepar rosii umplute si vinete la cuptor :)
Because spring came and we must take advantage of all the flavors of vegetables, I thought to prepare stuffed tomatoes and eggplants in the oven :)
Ce va trebuie:
- cateva rosii, de preferat mai tari si parfumate
- 2 ciuperci mari, sau vreo 6 mai mici
- 1-2 dovlecei
- 2-3 catei de usturoi
- 1 vanata
- un ardei rosu si unul verde
- condimente - eu am pus oregano si busuioc
What you need:
- tomatos
- 2 large mushrooms, about 6 smaller
- 1-2 zucchini
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- 1 eggplant
- A red and a green peppers
- Spices - I used oregano and basil
Dupa ce am spalat toate legumele le luam pe rand si :
- rosile le scobim si punem continutul intr-un castron, in care pune un pic de sare si piper
- ciupercile le curatam si le taiem cubutele, la fel procedam si pentru ardei
- mai intai decojesc dovleceii si apoi ii tai cubulete
- usturoiul se curata si se taie feliute
After washing all vegetables and we take them one by one:
- the tomatoes pick them out and put the contents into a bowl, and we put a little bit of salt and pepper
- clean the mushrooms and cut them into little cubes,same way with the peppers
- first i peel the zucchini and then i cut them into cubes
- peel the garlic and cut then into slices
Incalzim o tigaie de teflon si punem toate legumele si le calim 2 minute. Apoi turnam peste ele continutul rosiilor ( cel pe care l-am pregatit mai devreme) si condimentele si le lasam la fiert.
Heat a Teflon pan and put all the vegetables and fry for 2 minutes. Then pour the contents of tomatoes (the one I prepared earlier) and spices and let it boil.
Le-am lasat un pic sa se raceasca si apoi am umplut rosicile. Intre timp am taiat vanata rondele si le-am asezat intre rosii. Pentru ca mi-au mai ramas cateva rondele, le-am pus peste rosiile umplute. Pentru cei care mananca si cascaval puteti sa inlocuiti capacele de vinete cu fasii de cascaval :)
I left them a bit to chill and then filled the tomatoes. Meanwhile we cut the eggplant into slices and put them between the tomatoes. Because I have left a few slices, I put them over the tomatoes. For those who eat cheese, you can replace caps of eggplant with strips of cheese :)
La cuptor le-am lasat cat sa se rumeneasca vinetele, ~20 de minute. Este de preferat sa le mancati calde :)
In the oven I let them just to turn brownish, ~ 20 minutes. It's best to eat them warm :)
Ce se vede pe langa rosii este ce mi-a mai ramas in amestec, data viitoare o sa mai pun 2 rosii in plus :)
Tot ce pot sa spun este ca au fost delicioase :)
Besides you can see near the tomatoes is what I have left from the mix, so next time I'll put 2 tomatoes more :)
All I can say is that they were delicious :)