Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

31 May 2012

Limonada / Lemonade

Cred ca toata lumea stie sa faca o limonada/ citronada, dar de cate ori nu s-a intamplat sa va iasa prea acra - chiar daca ati pus 2 linguri de zahar sau  prea dulce?
Eu va propun o reteta cat se poate de simpla :), va trebuie:
- 2-3 Lamai
- 1 lime
- 1-2 portocale
- zahar ( alb, brun) sau miere
- optional gheata :)

I think everybody knows how to make a lemonade, but how many times it was too sour or too sweat?
I will suggest a recipe as simple as possible :), you should need:
- 2-3 lemons
- 1 lime
- 1-2 oranges
- Sugar (white, brown) or honey
- Optional ice :)

Primul lucru pe care trebuie sa il facem este sa amestecam foarte bine apa cu zaharul/ mierea. Trebuie amestecat pana cand zaharul este dizolvat. Apoi se toarna sucul de la lamai si portocale peste apa. Eu am stors doar jumatate din lime. Daca vi se pare prea dulce, mai adaugati putina zeama de lamaie.
Pentru gheata, eu am pus-o la blender, ca sa obtin fulgi mici de gheata si le-am amestecat impreuna.

Am taiat 2 feli din jumatatea de lime ramasa si le-am pus in pahar pt aroma. Puteti adauga si putina menta, daca va place aroma lasata de ea.
Cea a las pe voi sa descoperiti :)

The first thing you need to do is to mix very well the water with sugar / honey. You have to mix until the sugar is dissolved. Then pour the lemon and orange juice over the water. I just squeezed half a lime. If it seems too sweet, add more lemon juice.
For ice, I put it in the blender, to get small flakes of ice and I mixed toget

I cut two slices of the remaining lime and put them in glass for flavor. You can add a little mint, if you like the flavor of it.

What came out... I'll leave you to discover and then tell me about it :)

30 May 2012

Salata de rosii cu crutoane / Tomatoes and croutons salad

A venit vremea sa fac si o salata de rosii cu niste crutoane aromate :)
Avem nevoie:
- 2-3 rosii
- un ardei galben/ rosu
- 1 ceapa rosie, micuta
- cateva masline
- 2-3 felii de paine
- 1 catel de usturoi
- sare si oregano

It's time to make a tomato salad with some flavored croutons :)
We need:
- 2-3 tomatoes
- A sweet yellow / red peppers
- 1 red onion, small
- Some olive
- 2-3 slices of bread
- 1 clove of garlic
- Salt and oregano

1. Tocam rosiile, ardeii si ceapa.
Chop the tomatoes, peppers and onions.

2. Apoi prajim painea, taiem catelul de usturoi in doua si "ungem" felia de paine cu jumatatea de usturoi.

Then toast the bread, cut garlic clove in half and "brush" the slice of the bread with the garlic.

3. Le amestecam pe toate ( sa nu uitati de masline) , punem sarea si oregano si ne bucuram de o salata usoara.

Mix them all  ( d'ont forget about the olives), put salt and oregano and enjoy a light salad.

28 May 2012

Hummus cu ciuperci/ Hummus with mushrooms

Pentru ca din cand in cand ni se face pofta de hummus cu ciuperci, m-am gandit sa va impartasesc si voua :)
Ne trebuie doar:
- 300gr ciuperci
- o cutie humus ( nu am gasit nici reteta, nici naut, ca sa il prepar eu)
- za'atar - un condiment din Orientul Mijlociu

Because from time to time we do lust for hummus with mushrooms, I thought to share this with you :)
only need :
- 300gr mushrooms
- A box of hummus
- Za'atar - a spice from Middle Est

Prajim ciupercile, curatate si taiate in 4, intr-o tigaie de teflon. Intr-o farfurie adanca, sau un castron, punem ciupercile in centru, hummusul le langa ele si presaram za'atarul pe humus. Noi il mancam ori cu lipie cumparata ori fac in casa pita greceasca.
Cu ambele , au un gust minunt!!!

Fry the mushrooms, cleaned and cut them into 4, into a Teflon pan. Then in a deep plate or bowl, put the mushrooms in the center, next to them add the hummus and abouve them the za'atar spice . 
We just eat with bread or home made ​​Greek pita.
With both, they taste gr


Spanac / Spinach

Pentru ca este bogat in fier si este foarte sanatos, nu strica din cand in cand sa mai mancam. Reteta e foarte simpla si foarte gustoasa.
Ne trebuie:
- 500 gr spanac ( proaspat inca nu am gasit, asa ca iau congelat de la Bounduelle )
- 2-3 morcovi
- o ceapa mica
- un pic de ulei
- 2-3 linguri bulion
- sare si piper

Se toaca ceapa marut, sa caleste un pic si porma punem morcovii taiati cubulete. Lasam sa se caleasca, apoi turnam apa ( in jur de 300-400ml - depinde de oala). O lasam sa fiarba un pic, apoi putem pune spanacul. Lasam sa fiarba in jur de 20-25min, cu capacul pus. La sfarsit punem sarea, piperul si bulionul si mai lasam alte 5-10 minute.

Noi il mancam cu paine prajita.

Because spinach it is rich in iron and is very healthy, I decided to cook some. The recipe is very simple and very tasty also.

We have:
- 500 gr spinach (fresh I have not found, so take frozen)
- 2-3 carrots
- A small onion
- A little oil

- 2-3 tablespoons of tomatoes sauce
- Salt and pepper

Chop the onion and fry it a little a bit and then add the diced carrots. Then we leave them to fry a little, then pour water (about 300-400ml - depends on pot). Let it simmer a bit,then we can put the spinach. We leave to the boil about 20-25min, with cap placed.Finally put salt, pepper an
d the tomatoes sauce and let them other 5-10 minutes.

We just eat it with toast.

27 May 2012

Salata orientala / Oriental Salad

A doua reteta de salata pe care v-o prezint este favorita mea, cea orientala.
Nu va trebuie decat:
- 2 cartofi mari
- 2 cepe rosii ( mai micute)
- castraveti si gogosari murati
- masline
- un ardei si 3 rosii
- 3 catei de usturoi
- sare, piper
- jumatate de lamaie
- optional jumatate de mar

The second salad recipe that I write is my favorite one, it's called: Oriental salad.
You only need:
- 2 large potatoes
- 2 red onions ( little ones)
- Pickled cucumbers and peppers
- olives
- One green pepper and three tomatoes
- 3 cloves of garlic
- Salt and pepper
- Optional half of an apple

Cat timp cartofii, in coaja, sunt la fiert avem timp sa tocam restul ingredientelor. Apoi curatam cartofii, ii limpezim in apa rece si ii taiem cubulete. 
Amestecam toate ingredientele, iar apoi ne incantam papilele gustative cu aceasta salata :)

While the potatoes, with skin, are boiling, we can chop all the ingredients left. Then clean the potatoes, rinsed them in cold water and then cut them into cubes.

Mix all the ingredients, and then  delight your taste buds with this salad :)

26 May 2012

Salata de ciuperci / Mushrooms salad

Pentru ca vara este anotimpul salatelor, m-a gandit sa incep cu o salata simpla de ciuperci si dovlecei.
Aveti nevoie de:
- 300gr mushrooms
- un dovlecel mic
- o lamaie
- o ceapa rosie mica
- un catel de usturoi
- un pic de ulei de masline
- sare, pipe

Se spala bine ciupercile si apoi se taie feliute subtiri. La fel se procedeaza si cu dovlecelul. Se amesteca bine amandoua ( puteti sa puneti si un pic de patrunjel). Apoi uleiul se amesteca cu zeama de lamaie, ceapa tocata marut, usturoiul zdrobit + sarea si piperul.
Apoi se toarna acest dressing peste ciuperci si dovlecei si punem salata la frigider pentru 2-3 ore.
Ca un mic sfat, nu lasati salata peste noapte, a 2-a zi nu va mai avea acelasi gust, poate avea un gust ciudat.

Because summer is the season of salads, I thought to start with a simple mushrooms salad with zucchini.

You need:
- 300gr mushrooms
- A small zucchini
- A lemon
- A small red onion
- A clove of garlic
- A little olive oil
- Salt, pipe

Wash the mushrooms well and then cut them in thin slices and do the same with the zucchini.Mix both (you can put a bit of parsley). Then the oil is mixed with the lemon juice, chopped onion, crushed garlic + salt and pepper.

Then pour this dressing over the mushrooms and zucchini and then put the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
As a little tip, do not let salad overnight, the next day will not have the same taste, it might taste weird.

23 May 2012

Mancare de ardei / Peppers stew

Chiar daca nu este chiar timpul potrivit pentru ardei kapia, noua ni s-a facut pofta de o mancarica de ardei copti.

Va trebuie:
- ardei kapia ( eu am pus si unul galben si unul verde)
- 3-4 rosii
- o ceapa rosie
-1-2 catei de usturoi
- sare, piper

Even if it's not the right time for sweet red  peppers, we wanted a eat some peppers stew.
You need:

-  sweet red  peppers  (I used also a yellow one and a green one)
- 3-4 tomatoes
- A red onion
-1 - 2 cloves of garlic
- Salt and pepper

 Primul pas este sa coaceti ardeii si 2 rosii. Le lasati sa se raceasca un pic si ii curatam.

The first step is to roast peppers and the 2 tomatoes. Let it cool a bit and clean them.

Apoi calim ceapa intr-o tigaie de Teflon, adaugam rosiile si le lasam un pic sa fiarba. Intre timp putem taia ardeii curatati in fasii si ii punem in tigaie. Punem un pic de apa, sarea si piperul ( eu am adaugat si un pic de oregano). Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic aproximativ 30minute. Cand este aproape gata adaugam si usturoiul zdrobit si mai lasam pe foc circa 10 minute.

Then roast the onions in a Teflon pan, then add the tomatoes and let them boil a little. Meanwhile we can cut the  peppers into strips and put them in the pan. Put a little bit of water, salt and pepper (I added also a little bit of oregano). Let it simmer on low heat about 30 minutes. When almost is ready add the crushed garlic and simmer for another 10 minutes.

A iesit o minunatie de mancare, de arome imbinate :). 

It was a great meal with all that combined flavors:).

21 May 2012

Supa de fasole verde / Green bean soup

Astazi m-am gandit sa fac ceva nou asa ca am incercat sa fac o supa de fasole verde.
Avem nevoie de:

- o ceapa mica
- 2-3 morcovi
- un pic de telina
- 2 ardei rosii
- 2 rosii
- un catel de usturoi
- 500gr de fasole, eu am pus congelata pentru ca nu am gasit proaspata
- boia de ardei dulce, sare, piper, cateva foi de dafin, cimbru
-1L de apa

Primul pas este sa taiem marunt ceapa si sa o calim in foarte putin ulei. Apoi, turnam apa in cratita, adaugam boia si asteptam sa dea in clocot. Atunci cand clocoteste, punem morcovii,ardeii si telina, tocate in prealabil. Lasam sa fiarba un pic ~5 minute si adaugam fasolea verde. Cand totul e fiert, punem rosiile ( care au fost decojite si taiete cubulete), cimbrul si foile de dafin, sarea, piperul si usturoiul zdrobit.
Lasam sa mai fiarba ~5-10minute.

Pentru cine doreste sa fie un pic acrisoara, poate sa adauge otet sau bors.

Pofta buna!!!

Today I thought to do something new so I tried to make a green bean soup.
You need:

- A small onion
- 2-3 carrots
- A little bit of celery
- 2 red peppers
- 2 tomatoes
- A clove of garlic
- 500gr green bean, I used frozen because I dind't found some fresh ones

- Sweet paprika, salt, pepper, a few bay leaves, thyme
-1L water

The first step is to cut a the small onion and fry it in a bit of oil. Then, pour water in the pot, add paprika and look forward to a boil. When it boils, add carrots, peppers and celery, chopped in advance. Let it simmer a bit ~ 5 minutes and add the green beans.When everything is cooked, put the tomatoes (peeled and chopped ,thyme and bay leaves, salt, pepper and crushed garlic.

Let it boil ~ 5-10min. Who wants to be a little bit sour, can add vinegar.

Bon appetite!

20 May 2012

Paste cu ciuperci / Pasta with mushrooms

Afara e prea urat, ploua prea tare, asa ca la capitolul gatit nu am avut inspiratie astazi. Asa ca, m-am uitat prin bucatarie si mi s-a facut pofta de paste cu ciuperci.
Reteta simpla si nu dureaza mult :)

Ai nevoie doar de:
- spaghete
- ciuperci
- 2-3 catei de usturoi
- 2-3 linguri de bulion
- sare, piper

In timpul cat pastele au fiert conform indicatiilor de pe punga ( eu am pus o oala la fiert cu putina sare, iar cand a dat in clocot am pus si pastele pt ~10minute) tocam ciupercile si usturoiul felii. Intr-o tigaia de teflon punem bulionul cu 1 cana de apa si cand da in clocot punem si ciupercile si asteptam sa fiarba. Cand au fiert punem usturoiul, sarea si piperul si le mai lasam ~5-10 minute pe foc.

Intre timp pastele au fiert, le scurgem de apa, iar cand ciupercile sunt gata punem amestecul peste paste. Apoi bagam oala la cuptor pentru 10minute, sa se patrunda aromele. Eu am pus si un pic de oregano :)

Noi am le-am mancat cu o salata de rosii si ardei, tocate marut. :)
Sa aveti pofta, la noi deja nu a mai ramas nimic.

It rains too much, so I didn't have inspiration what to cook today. So I looked through the kitchen and decided to do some pasta with mushrooms.

Simple recipe and doesn't take to long :)

You only need:
- spaghetti
- mushrooms
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- 2-3 tablespoons of tomatoes sauce
- Salt and pepper

While the pasta is boiling (I put a pot to boil with some salt, and whenit has boiled I put the pasta for ~ 10min) . We chop the mushrooms and garlic into slices. In aTeflon pan I put the tomatoes sauce and a cup of water and when it boiled add the mushrooms.

When the mushrooms are boiled we add the garlic, salt and pepper and let them to boil another ~ 5-10 minutes.

Meanwhile the pasta is cooked drain out the water. When the mushrooms are ready put them over the pasta and mixt. Then put the pot in the oven for 10min, for the flavors to mixt.

Also I put a little bit of oregano :)

We ate them with a salad of tomatoes and peppers. :)
They were so good that we ate all of it.

18 May 2012

Supa crema de legume / Vegetable cream soup

Sincera sa fiu, eu nu sunt mare fan supelor si ciorbelor traditionale, asa ca uneori fac aceasta supa crema de legume.
Grea nu este deloc, iar la gust e minunata :)

Honestly I'm not big fan of traditional soups, so sometimes I make this vegetable soup.
Is not hard  to make and the taste is wonderful :)

Avem nevoie de:
- 2-3 morcovi
- 4-5 rosii, de preferat sa fie zemoase
- un praz
- 2-3 cartofi
- 1 dovlecel
- o ceapa mica
- un sfert de telina
- un pastarnac
- 1-2 ardei rosii. Eu am pus si unul mic verde
- optional fidea/crutoane
- apa, sare , piper

We need:
- 2-3 carrots
- 4-5 tomatoes, preferably to be juicy
- A leek
- 2-3 potatoes
- 1 zucchini
- A small onion
- Fourth of celery
- A parsnip
- 1-2 red peppers. I put a little green one
- Optional noodles / croutons
- Water, salt, pepper

Se toaca fiecare leguma, nu va chinuiti prea tare, doar cat sa incapa in oala. Apoi puneti la fiert legumele, eu la inceput le las sa fiarba cu capacul pus.

Cand s-au fiert toate legumele, luati un castron si puneti toate legumele inauntru, avand grija sa nu turnati toata apa  din oala. Apoi luati un blender si maruntiti-le bine.

Chop each vegetable,  don't try too hard , just enough to fit in the pot. Then put the vegetables to boil, I initially let it boil with the lid placed.

When  all the vegetables are boiled , take a bowl and put all the vegetables inside,being careful not to pour all the water from the pot. Then take a blender and crumble them well. 

Ultimul pas este sa puneti crema rezultata inapoi in oala, adaugati sarea si piperul, fideaua si mai lasati la fiert inca ~5-10min.

The last step is to put back the resulting cream in the pot, add salt and pepper, noodles or the croutons and then leave it for ~ 5-10min.

Mie imi place calda si cu o felie e paine prajta :), asa ca pofta buna :) 

  I like warm bread with a slice of toast, so bon appetite :)

14 May 2012

Varza calita / Slow roasted cabbage

Chiar daca iarna a trecut, niciodata nu spunem nu unei portii de varza calita cu un ardei iute alaturi. Iar daca mai este si din varza murata atunci chiar nu pot sa rezist tentatiei.

Even though the winter has past, never say no to a dish of slow roasted cabbage with a hot pepper. And if it's made of sauerkraut then even I can not resist the temptation.

Pentru ea avem nevoie de:
- o bucata de varza ( chiar si dulce )
- cateva foi de dafin
- un pic  de bulion - pentru doritori
- apa

For it we need:
- A piece of cabbage (even sweet)
- A few bay leaves
- A little tomatoes sauce - by request
- water

Apoi se prepara in doua moduri, in functie de tipul de varza pe care il folosim. Astfel vom avea:
1. Varza murata: se toaca toata varza, apoi adaugandu-se toata in oala. Asteptem ~10-15min sa se caleasca, apoi putem adauga apa si o lasam sa fiarba.

2. Varza dulce. Se pune un pic de ulei in oala de pe foc si se incepe sa se toace varza. Adaugam in oala putin cate putin, avand grija ca de fiecare data sa se puna capacul la loc. Cand toata varza este tocata, lasam sa se caleasca un pic apoi adaugam apa si asteptam sa se fiarba ( este fiarta atunci cand este moale)

Cand varza a fiert, o luam de pe foc, adaugam bulionul, foile de dafin , inca putina apa , sare si piper. Trebuie sa o amestecam si o bagam la cuptor pentru a se  rumeni ( aproximativ ~20min).

Then you can prepare it in two ways, depending on the type of cabbage you use.
Thus we have:

1. Sauerkraut: chop all the cabbags, then adding all in the pot. Expect ~ 10-15min to roast, then we add water and let it boil.

2. Sweet cabbage : Put a little bit of oil in the pot on the stove and begins to chop the cabbage .Add into the pot little by little, taking care each time to put the lid on. When all the cabbage is shredded, let them to roast a little and then add water to boi l(when it's soft when it's cooked)

When the cabbage is boilled, we take off from the stove an add tomatoes sauce, bay leaves, still a little bit of water,salt and pepper. Then you have to mix and stuffing in the oven to brown (about ~ 20min).

Mie imi place sa o mananc calda cu o felie de paine prajita, voua cum ca place?? 
I like to eat warm with a slice of toast, to you how to love?

13 May 2012

Pandispan cu ananas/ Ananas Cake

Pentru  ca de multe ori am auzit ca  prajiturile "de post" nu ies bune, vreau sa va arat ca nu e chiar asa :)

Pentru acest pandispan avem nevoie de:
- 400gr faina
- 300gr zahar
- 2 cani de apa minerala
- 4 linguri ulei
- un pachet de unt
- zahar vanilat
- praf de copt
- compot de ananas - il puteti inlocui cu orice alt fruct ( visine, fructe de padure, chiar si congelate)

For this great cake you need:
- 400gr flour
- 300gr sugar
- 2 cups of mineral water
- 4 tablespoons oil
- A package of butter

- Vanilla sugar
- Baking soda
- Canned pineapple - you can substitute any fruit (cherries, berries, even frozen)

Eu am facut si o crema la el, pentru ea va trebuie:
- un pachet de praf de budinca, de vanilie
- sucul din compot

I made ​​a cream for it, you need:
- A package of pudding powder, vanilla
- Juice from canned pineapple

Apoi putem trece la treaba :)

Amestecam margarina cu zaharul foarte bine cu o lingura ( nu de alta dar cu mixerul riscati sa umpleti tooooata bucataria de margarina). Apoi adaugam faina si apa minerala si le amestecam pana se omogenizeaza frumos :)
Si in sfarsit adaugam zaharul vanilat, praful de copt stins cu putin otet si cele 4 linguri de ulei.
Cand toate ingredientele s-au incorporat , tapetam tava cu faina si ulei si rasturnam compozitia.

Deasupra punem fructele taiate bucati si lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste. Punem aplica vechea tehnica de a verifica daca s-a facut si in interior cu o scobitoare. Se considera ca e facuta atunci cand scobitoarea iese curata :)

Then let's go to work :)

Mix the margarine with sugar very well with a spoon. Then add the flour and soda and mix until smooth them nicely :)
Then finally add the vanilla, baking powder and the 4 tablespoons of oil.When all ingredients have been incorporated, wallpaper tray with floor and oil, then put the composition into the tray.

Above we put the fruits pieces and leave in oven until it's cooked.

Cat pandispanul sta la cuptor putem sa facem crema. Trebuie doar sa urmati instructiunile de pe spatele pachetului, singura schimbare care trebuie facuta este aceea ca inlocuiti laptele cu sucul din compot.

While the cake is in the oven you can make the cream. Just follow the instructions on the back of the package, the only change to be made ​​is that you have to replace the milk with juice from the canned pineapple.

Cand pandispanul este gata, lasam sa se raceasca un pic. Apoi il taiam la pe din doua si punem crema uniform.

When the cake is ready, let it chill. Then cut it in two and put the cream evenly.

Asa ca pofta buna!!

So bon appetite!

Rosii umplute si vinete la cuptor / Stuffed tomatoes and eggplants in the oven

Pentru ca a venit primavara si trebuie sa profitam de toate aromele legumelor, m-am gandit sa prepar rosii umplute si vinete la cuptor :)

Because spring came and we must take advantage of all the flavors of vegetables, I thought to prepare stuffed tomatoes and eggplants in the oven :)

Ce va trebuie:
- cateva rosii, de preferat mai tari si parfumate 
- 2 ciuperci mari, sau vreo 6 mai mici
- 1-2 dovlecei
- 2-3 catei de usturoi
- 1 vanata
- un ardei rosu si unul verde
- condimente - eu am pus oregano si busuioc

What you need:
- tomatos
- 2 large mushrooms, about 6 smaller
- 1-2 zucchini
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- 1 eggplant
- A red and a green peppers
- Spices - I used oregano and basil

Dupa ce am spalat toate legumele le luam pe rand si :
- rosile le scobim si punem continutul intr-un castron, in care pune un pic de sare si piper
- ciupercile le curatam si le taiem cubutele, la fel procedam si pentru ardei
- mai intai decojesc dovleceii si apoi ii tai cubulete
- usturoiul se curata si se taie feliute

After washing all vegetables and we take them one by one:
- the tomatoes pick them out and put the contents into a bowl, and we put a little bit of salt and pepper
- clean the mushrooms and cut them into little cubes,same way with the peppers
- first i peel the zucchini and then i cut them into cubes
- peel the garlic and cut then into slices

Incalzim o tigaie de teflon si punem toate legumele si le calim 2 minute. Apoi turnam peste ele continutul rosiilor ( cel pe care l-am pregatit mai devreme) si condimentele si le lasam la fiert. 

Heat a Teflon pan and put all the vegetables and fry for 2 minutes. Then pour the contents of tomatoes (the one I prepared earlier) and spices and let it boil.

Le-am lasat un pic sa se raceasca si apoi am umplut rosicile. Intre timp am taiat vanata rondele si le-am asezat intre rosii.  Pentru ca mi-au mai ramas cateva rondele, le-am pus peste rosiile umplute. Pentru cei care mananca si cascaval puteti sa inlocuiti capacele de vinete cu fasii de cascaval :)

I left them a bit to chill and then filled the tomatoes. Meanwhile we cut the eggplant into slices and put them between the tomatoes. Because I have left a few slices, I put them over the tomatoes. For those who eat cheese, you can replace caps of eggplant with strips of cheese :)

La cuptor le-am lasat cat sa se rumeneasca vinetele, ~20 de minute. Este de preferat sa le mancati calde :)
In the oven I let them just to turn brownish, ~ 20 minutes. It's best to eat them warm :)

Ce se vede pe langa rosii este ce mi-a mai ramas in amestec, data viitoare o sa mai pun 2 rosii in plus :)
Tot ce pot sa spun este ca au fost delicioase :)

Besides you can see near the tomatoes is what I have left from the mix, so next time I'll put 2 tomatoes more :)
All I can say is that they were delicious :)

12 May 2012

The beginning

Pentru ca de multe ori nu stiu ce sa gatesc, m-am gandit sa imi fac propriul blog cu retete vegetariene. 

Because most of the time I don't know what to cook, I thought to make my own vegetarian blog.

You have to watch this!!!

Enjoy and Go Vegan!