Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

28 December 2012

Crunchy potatoes / Cartofi crocanti

I know that everybody loves potatoes: boiled, fried, in the oven, with sauce - in every form of it.
So today I have prepared some crunchy chilli potatoes in the oven
You need:
- 5-6 potatoes
- oil
- chilli flakes
- some oregano and thyme
- salt and pepper
- a head of garlic

 Stiu ca toata lumea iubeste cartofii: fierti, prajiti, la cuptor, cu sos - in orice forma a sa.
Asa ca astazi am preparat niste cartofi crocanti si iuti la coptor.
Ai nevoie de :
- 5-6 cartofi
- ulei
- fulgi de chilli
- un pic de oregano si cimbru
- sare si piper
- o capatana de usturoi

Pell and cut the potatoes into cubes. Then mix the oil with the spices very well, then mix them with te potatoes and the garlic ( do not clean the garlic - as in the picture).

Curatam si taiem cartofii cubulete. Apoi amestecam uleiul impreuna cu condimentele foarte bine, apoi le amestecam cu cartofii si usturoiul ( nu curatati usturoiul - asa ca in poza).

Put them in the oven for about 1 hour at 180 degrees.
We ate them with some pickled cucumbers.

Ii punem la cuptor pentru aproape 1h la 180 de grade.
Noi i-am mancat cu castraveti murati.

It was YUMMMY and crunchy!!

19 December 2012

Boiled Green SoyBeans / Pastai verzi de soia fierte

Last night we wanted to watch a movie and also wanted to have a snack i was thinking what to cook...then i remembered that we have a bag with frozen soybeans - leave them in the pods -  ( edamame ). All i can say that i was a veryyy good option :)
Edamame are high in fiber and protein and low in fat and calories.

Aseara am vrut sa ne uitam la un film dar de asemenea voiam sa si rontaim ceva...asa ca m-am gandit ce sa gatesc...apoi mi-am adus aminte ca avem o punga de pastai de soia in congelator. Ce pot sa spun este ca a fost o alegere foarrrte buna :)
Ele sunt bogate in fibre si proteine si de asemenea au putine calorii si grasimi.

All you need is:
- a bag with green soybeans ( fresh or you wish)
- salt
- water
- chilli flakes
- curry
- pepper

Tot ce iti trebuie este:
- o punga de pastai de soia
- sare
- apa

- fulgi de chilli
- curry
- piper

First boil a lot of water in a pot with 2-3 tablespoons of salt. When it's boiling put the edamame into the water and boil for 5 minutes.
Taste one edamame and if it's not salty enough, sprinkle more salt over boiled edamame. Spread the edamame on a flat tray to cool.

Mai intai fierbem multa apa intr-o oala cu 2-3 linguri de sare. Cand da in clocot punem si pastaile in apa pentru 5 minute.
Gustam o pastaie si daca nu este sarata indeajuns, mai presaram sare peste pastaile fierte. Le lasam sa se raceasca un pic.

A little tip:  when eating this delightful, filling treat make sure you skim the skin with your teeth and only eat the beans (not the shell).  As you do that, you'll get all the yummy spices.

Un mic sfat: atunci cand se mananca se mesteca doar boabele, dar curatand pastaia in gura ( la fel ca semintele ), putand astfel beneficia de toate aromele de pe coaja

09 December 2012

Day 9&10 / A noua si a zecea zi

I am sooo sorry for my absence...i had some hetic days over here..and didn't had any time for photos and writing the recipes..

I've ate as always fruits Juice - with some carrots, cucumbers or spinach.

BUT...I can say that these 10 days were hard but refreshing. Because we are use to eat solid meals..when you have only to drink is all habits die hard. 
The results were:
- I lost some weight...i don't know how much..but upon my cloths I can say that there are some kilos
 My skin is smoother
- No bloating in this days
- Had a little bit more energy

So my advice is that..twice a year make a 10 days will be good for you and for your body.

Imi pare asaaa de rau pentru absenta avut niste zile nebune am avut timp pentru poze sau sa scriu retete...

Am mancat ca deobicei sucuri de fructe- cu cativa morcovi, castraveti sau spanac.

DAR ...ce pot sa zic ca aceste 10 zile au fost grele , dar revigorante. Deoarece suntem obisnuiti sa mancam mancare solida...cand vine vorba sa doar bei ...este greu....doar obiceiurile vechi nu se uita.

Rezultatele sunt:
- am slabit cateva stiu cate...dar dupa haine as putea zice ca sunt cateva
- pielea mea e mai neteda
- nu am mai avut probleme cu balonarea
- am avut un pic mai multa energie

Deci sfatul meu este ca de 2 ori pe an sa se tina aceasta detoxifiere...o sa fie bine atat pentru tine cat si pentru corpul tau.

Mens sana in corpore sano

06 December 2012

Day 8 / A opta zi

For breakfast we had :
- half of yellow melon
- 2 apples
- 5 tangarine
- 2 oranges
- 2 bananas
- 2 pears
- 1 grapefruit
- 3 plumes

I can say that i looooveee fruits juice :)

La micul dejun am avut:
- jumatate de pepene galben
- 2 mere
- 5 mandarine
- 2 portocale
- 2 banane
- 2 pere
- 1 grapefruit
- 3 prune

Pot sa spun ca iubbbbeeesc sucul de fructe :)

For Lunch we had:
- 3 bananas
- some spinach leaves
- 5 carrots
- 5 tangarines
- 2 kiwi
- 3 apples
- some celery leaves

La pranz am avut:
- 3 banane
- cateva frunze de spanac
- 5 morcovi
- 5 mandarine
- 2 kiwi
- 3 mere
- cateva frunze de telina

And for dinner I only drank a big cup of apple juice and ate an orange.
Si la cina am baut doar o cana mare cu suc de mere si am mancat o portocala

05 December 2012

Day 7 / A saptea zi

Good day everyone :)

So for breakfast we had:
- 3 bananas
- 1 slice of yellow melon
- 3 carrots
- 1 pomengrate
- 3 tangarine
- 1 kiwi

 La micul dejun am avut:
- 3 banane
- o felie de pepene galben
- 3 morcovi
- o rodie
- 3 mandarine
- 1 kiwi

 At lunch we drank:
- 3 cucumbers
- 2 kiwi
- 1 grapefruit
- 4 tangarines
- 3 apples
- 4 carrots
- 1 efersemon

La pranz am avut:
- 3 castraveti
- 2 kiwi
- 1 grapefruit
- 4 mandarine
- 3 mere
- 4 morcovi
- 1 kaki

 At dinner we drank an Orange Juice with some mint leaves :)
La cina am baut un Suc de portocale cu cateva frunze de menta :)

03 December 2012

Day 6 / A sasea zi

Another hetic day...

At breakfast we didn't had time to make some juice so we skip it...
At lunch we bought some apple, carrot & orange Juice...BIG cups :)
And at dinner we serve ourselves with:
- 3 kiwi
- 3 apples
- 5 tangarine
- 1 avocado
- 1 lemon
- 3 bananas

It was a blast :) time for pictures  :( + we ate a full orange

 Inca o zi nebuna...

La micul dejun nu am avut timp sa ne facem suc...asa ca am sarit peste...
La pranz am cumparat un suc de mere, morcovi si portocale....pahare MARI :)
Si la cina ne-am servit cu:
- 3 kiwi
- 3 mere
- 5 mandarine
- 1 avocado
- 1 lamaie
- 3 banane

A fost am avut insa timp de poze :) + am mancat o portocala intreaga :)

02 December 2012

Day 5 / A cincea zi

Ok...feel good, more energy...but still craving for solid food :(

For breakfast I only drank one big cup of orange juice.
At lunch I had:
- 3 cucumbers
- 4 carrots
- 2 apples
- some broccoli
- some leaves of spinach
- some leaves of parsley
- some leaves of dill

It was not so delicious like an all fruit Juice, but still good :)...

At dinner we got out and I drank another big orange with carrots Juice and eat a apple :( simt bine, mai multa energie...dar inca imi e pofta de mancare solida :(

La micul dejun am baut doar o cana mare cu suc de portocale.
La pranz am avut:
- 3 castraveti
- 4 morcovi
- 2 mere
- putin brocoli
- cateva frunze de spanac
- cateva frunze de patrunjel
- cateva frunze de marar

Nu a fost asa de delicios ca un Suc de fructe, dar bunicel :)...

La cina am iesit in oras si am baut inca o cana mare de Suc de portocale cu morcovi si am mancat un mar

01 December 2012

Day 4 / A patra zi

Ok..another hard day..
Ok...inca o zi grea

At breakfast we had:
- 1 carrot
- 3 bananas
- 1 pear
- 2 apples
- 2 oranges
Dimineata am avut:
- 1 morcov
- 3 banane
- 1 para
- 2 mere
- 2 portocale

At lunch we had only a juice of orange and a juice of apples....good enough....but still not enough :(
La pranz am baut doar un suc de portocale si un suc de mere....destul de bun...dar nu indeajuns :(

At diner we had:
- 1 grapefruit
- 3 oranges
- 2 apples
- 2 kiwi
- 1 pomegranate

Seara am avut:
- 1 grapefruit
- 3 portocale
- 2 mere
- 2 kiwi
- 1 rodie

I must say that i have more energy then ever!!
Trebuie sa spun ca acum am mai multe energie ca niciodata :)

30 November 2012

Day 3 / A treia zi

Yesterday wasn't so hard as I expected...i hope today will be easy as well

For breakfast I had:
- 4 carrots
- 1 apple
- 1 pear
- 4 tangarine

Yummmyyy... :)

Ziua de ieri nu a fost asa de grea pe cat ma asteptam..sper sa fie si azi la fel de usor :)

Pentru mic dejun am amestecat:
- 4 morcovi
- 1 mar
- 1 para
- 4 mandarine

Bunnnnn :)

At lunch we had:
- 4 carrots
- 4 cucumbers
- 2 pears
- 1 apple
- some broccoli
- 4 tangarine
- some leaves of mint

It was delicious and nourishing....unfortunately i didn't had time to make a picture :(

La pranz am avut:
- 4 morcovi
- 4 castraveti
- 2 pere
- 1 mar
- putin brocoli
- 4 mandarine
- cateva frunze de menta

A fost bun si hranitor...din pacate nu am avut timp sa fac poza ...:(

For dinner we had:
- 2 carrots
- 1 pear
- 3 tangarine
- 1 orange
- 2 apples

Seara am servit:
- 2 morcovi
- 1 para
- 3 mandarine
- 1 portocala
- 2 mere

And...because i was starving...i recognize that i stole an apple...and eat it like that :)
Si....pentru ca mi s-a facut o foame nebuna..recunosc am furat si un mar si l-am mancat asa :)

29 November 2012

Day 2 / A doua zi

Second will be harder today....the desire to eat will be near I have to be prepared with a bottle of water :)

The sad story is that i had to skip breakfast as I wake up too late and I was in hurry for work.
So that means only 2 recipes for today :(

A doua zi....o sa fie mai greu astazi...pofta de a manca va fi langa mine...asadar trebuie sa fiu pregatita cu o sticla de apa :)

Povestea trista este ca a trebuit sa sar peste micul dejun deoarece m-am trezit prea tarziu si eram in intarziere la munca.
Asta inseamna ca astazi vom avea doar 2 retete :(

For lunch we had:
- 1 half of beet ( i boiled a little bit)
- 5 carrots
- 3 cucumbers
- 1 mango
- 1 yellow pepper
- 3 bananans
- 4 plumes
- 2 apples
- 2 pears

Yes...i know..a lot of ingredients...but I like to mix them I will have a wonderfull aroma.

 Pentru pranz am avut:
- o jumatate de sfecla ( eu am fiert-o putin)
- 5 morcovi
- 3 castraveti
- 1 mango
- 1 ardei galben
- 3 banane
- 4 prune
- 2 mere
- 2 pere

Da stiu...multe ingrediente...dar imi place sa le amestec pe toate asa voi avea o aroma deosebita

For diner we had:
- some leaves of mint
- some leaves of spinach
- 2 lemons
- 1 orange
- 2 tangarine
- 5 plumes
- 2 pears
- a slice of yellow water melon
- 2 apples

It was a blast :)

La cina am avut:
- cateva frunze de menta
- cateva frunze de spanac
- 2 lamai
- 1 portocala
- 2 mandarine
- 5 prune
- 2 pere
- o felie de pepene galben
- 2 mere

A fost delicioooos :)

28 November 2012

Day 1 / Prima zi we start...

For my breakfast I had:
- 4 kiwi
- 3 apples
- 1 pear
- 2 tangerines ( of course peel before use)
- a stalk of celery

Mix all together into the blender...and VOILA :)

Ok...deci incepem...
La micul dejun am avut:
- 4 kiwi
- 3 mere
- 1 para
- 2 mandarine ( bineinteles curatate de coaja)
- o tulpina de telina

Le amestecam pe toate in :)

For Lunch I made 2 types of Juices
The first one is made of:
- 2 red peppers
- 1 big tomatoe
- 10 cherry tomatoes
- some leafs of salad
- 4 carrots
- 1 apple

Pentru pranz am facut 2 incercari
Prima era compusa din:
- 2 ardei grasi rosii
- 1 rosie mare
- 10 rosii cherry
- cateva frunze de salata
- 4 morcovi
- 1 mar

The second Juice I made it from:
- 5 plumes
- 3 bananas
- 4 tangerines
- 3 kiwi
- some leafs of salad
- 5 apples

My opinion is that, this second juice was better then the first one!!

Iar al doilea suc l-am facut din:
- 5 prune
- 3 banane
- 4 mandarine
- 3 kiwi
- cateva frunze de salata
- 5 mere

Mie mi s-a parut mult mai bun acesta decat primul :) for dinner we had a fruits dessert :)
So the ingredients are:
- 1 pomegranate
- 1 slice of yellow water melon
- apples
- pears
- 1 persimmon
- 1 mango
- 2 tangarines

La cina am avut un desert de fructe :)
Ingredientele sunt:
- 1 rodie
- 1 felie de pepene galben
- mere
- pere
- 1 kaki
- 1 mango
- 2 mandarine

The layers look very good, aren't they?
Straturile arata foarte bine, nu-i asa?

 And after they are mixed all together....perfect to drink!!!
Si dupa ce au fost amestecate, arata si mai bine....bun de baut!!

As first was a little bit hard. Almost all day long I only thought at french fries served with pickles....but I have to be strong :)

Ca prima impresie...a fost un pic greu. Aproape toata ziua m-am gandit numai la cartofi prajiti cu muraturi...dar trebuie sa fiu tare :)

26 November 2012

A new challenge begins / O noua provocare incepe

Today i bought something special....beside lots of vegetables and fruits.....a brand new super Blender to make my smoothies :).

So...the challenge it's to drink only smoothies / juice for 10 days!!

Everyday i will post the recipes of what i've drank : breakfast, lunch and diner. In case I will sense some deep hungry i will eat a carrot, an orange...something like this...easy..

So anybody is with me in this challenge??

Astazi am cumparat ceva afara de multe legume si fructe....un super nou blender, pentru a-mi face smoothie-urile.

Deci...provocarea este sa beau pentru 10 zile numai smoothie-uri sau sucuri!!!

In fiecare zi o sa postez retetele cu ce am baut: mic dejun, pranz si cina. In cazul in care o sa imi fie fooooarte foame o sa mananc un morcov, o portocala....ceva de genul acesta....usor

Deci...este cineva cu mine in aceasta provocare??

20 November 2012

Baked vegetables / Legume la cuptor

Yesterday I was craving for baked vegetables. So I looked in the fridge and this is what I have found:
- 3 potatoes
- A sweet potato
- A pepper
- 2 carrots
- A red onion
- A head of garlic
- One tablespoon oil, salt & pepper

- basil
- oregano

Ieri mi s-a facut o pofta nebuna de legume la cuptor. Asa ca m-am uitat in frigider si am gasit:

- 3 cartofi
- un cartof dulce
- un ardei gras
- 2 morcovi
- o ceapa de apa
- o capatana de usturoi
- o lingura ulei, sare & piper

- busuioc
- oregano

After I cleaned the potatoes and cut them into cubes, then I cut the carrots and the onion into rings then the garlic I opened into small pieces and put him directly (with the peel) + do not forget the pepper - cut the way you wish.

I arranged beautifully in a bowl of Yena and then put them in the oven at 180 degrees.

 Dupa ce am curatat cartofii i-am taiat cubuletele, am taiat si morcovii si ceapa rondele, iar usturoiul l-am desfacut in bucatele si l-am pus direct (cu tot cu coaja) + sa nu uitam de ardei - il taiati cum vreti voi.

I-am aranjat frumos intr-un vas de yena si l-am pus la cuptor la 180 de grade.

I ate the vegetableswith some pickles.

I-am mancat cu cateva muraturi extraordinare!!

17 November 2012

Chocolate salami / Salam de biscuiti

It's time to cook another cake recipe  ....

This cake is my childhood cake, but I had to adapt it without milk and eggs:)

So let's get to work:
- Biscuits(I put about 500gr)
- Soymilk (I put with vanilla flavour, about 50 ml) or water
- Vegetable butter - 100gr
- 6 tablespoons sugar
- 3 tablespoons cocoa

optional you can add:
- Peanuts / nuts
- Cherry / raisin

A venit vremea pentru inca o reteta de mai facusem de mult timp.
Este prajitura copilariei mele, numai ca a trebuit sa o adaptez fara lapte de vaca :)
Asadar, sa trecem la treaba:
- biscuiti ( eu am pus cam 500gr )
- lapte de soia ( eu am pus cu aroma de vanilie, cam 50 ml) sau apa
- unt vegetal - 100gr
- 6 linguri zahar
- 3 linguri cacao

- alune / nuci
- visine / stafide

The first step is to break the biscuits, not too small, like you can see in the picture below.
Primul pas este sa rupem biscutii, nu prea marunt, asa cum se poate vedea in poza de mai jos.

Then we put to meld the butter. When it is melted, add the soymilk, sugar and cocoa. Stir until sugar is melted and leave to cool a little.

Apoi punem la topit unul. Cand acesta este topit, adaugam si laptele,zaharul si cacao. Amestecam pana cand zaharul este la topit si lasam sa se raceasca un pic.

 Then pour it over biscuits and mix well. Must obtain a homogeneous composition somewhat.

 Apoi il turnam peste biscuiti si amestecam bine. Trebuie sa obtinem o compozitie cat de cat omogena.

We can arrange the composition in any way we want (in the form of salami, balls, rectangular), then we have to leave it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, or better overnight.
To speed up the things, I  put it in the freezer a few hours :)

Ii putem aranja in orice forma dorim ( in forma de salam, bile, dreptunghiular), apoi trebuie sa o lasam la frigider pentru 5-6 ore, sau cel mai bine peste noapte.
Pentru a grabi procesul l-am pus la congelator cateva ore :)


20 October 2012

Pickled cucumbers / Castraveti murati

I didn't forget the pickled cucumbers. The recipe is more then simple:
- cucumbers
- vinegar
- 4-5 tablespoons coarse salt (depending on how many jars you want to put)
- 2-3 tablespoons of sugar
- Sliced ​​carrots
- Bay leaves
- Grain mustard & pepper & coriander

Nu am uitat si de castraveti murati. Reteta e la fel de simpla:
- castraveti
- otet
- 4-5 linguri de sare grunjoasa ( depinde de cate borcane vreti sa puneti)
- 2-3 linguri de zahar
- morcovi taiati rondele
- foi de dafin
- boabe de mustar & piper & boabe de coriandru

The first step is to sterilize the jars and to wash the cucumbers.

Prima etapa e sa sterilizam borcanele si sa spalam foarte bine castravetii.

Then start to put the cucumbers nicely in the jar, occasionally slipping carrot disks among them.

Meanwhile we boil the vinegar mixed with salt, sugar, mustard seeds and peppercorns, bay leaves, to boiling. Then leave to cool for 5 minutes, and carefully pour into the jar. For safety, just put a knife under the jar ( in Z form).

Apoi incepem sa asezam castravetii frumos in borcan, strecurand din cand in cand rondelele de morcovi printre ei.

Intre timp punem la fiert otetul, amestecat cu sarea,zaharul, boabele de mustar si piper, foile de dafin, pana da in clocot. O lasam la racit 5 minute, si o turnam cu grija in borcan. Pentru siguranta, puneti un z de cutite sub borcan sau asezati borcanul pe o lama de cutit.


Then close and seal the jars :).
It is best to store them in a cool place.

We ate them after 2-3 weeks, and they were very good :)

Apoi inchidem si sigilam borcanele :).
Este bine sa le depozitati la loc racoros.

Noi i-am mancat peste 2-3 saptamani si erau tocmai buni :)

18 September 2012

Mancare de fasole verde/ Green bean stew

Sanatoasa si gustoasa!!!
Nu ne trebuie decat:
- fasole verde ( atat proaspata cat si congelata)
- o ceapa rosie
- cativa morcovi  ( 2-3)
- sare, piper
- bulion

Healthy and tasty!
We just need:
- Green beans (as you preffer: fresh or frozen)
- A red onion
- A few carrots (2-3)
- Salt and pepper
- tomato juice

Primul pas este sa taiem ceapa, o calim putin si adaugam si morcovii taiati rondele. Lasam 2-3 minute sa caleasca putin , adaugam o cana de apa si lasam sa mai fiarba pentru inca 5 minute.

The first step is to cut the onion a little and roast it a lttle bit, then add the sliced ​​carrots into the pot. Let it roast for 2-3 minutes then add a cup of water and let it boil for another 5 minutes.

Apoi adaugam fasolea, si daca mai este necesar si apa ( pana cand apa acopera fasolea) si mai lasam la fiert. Cand totul este fiert adaugam bulionul, sarea si piperul si bagam oala la cuptor pana se rumeneste putin  ( la foc mic).

Then add the beans, and if you need more water add it (until the water covers the beans) and leave it to boil. When everything is cooked add the tomato juice, salt and pepper and put the pot in the oven until the stuffing is crunchy.

09 September 2012

Paine cu cereale / Bread with cereals

Nu am mai facut demult o paine in casa, asa ca am fost si am cumparat tot ce imi trebuie pentru o paine pufoasa si sanatoasa :)
Avem nevoie de:
- 400 gr faina integrala de grau
- 50-75 gr faina de secara
- seminte de in, ovaz, floarea soarelui  ( sau ce mai vreti voi)
- drojdie, eu o prefer pe cea uscata
- sare
- jumatate de lingurita de miere
- 250-300 ml apa calduta

It's been a long time since I made a bread, so I went and bought everything that I need for a healthy fluffy bread :)
We need:
- 400 grams of whole wheat flour
- 50-75 grams of rye flour
- Seeds, of flax oats, sunflower ( or anything that you want)
- yeast, I prefer the dry one
- salt
- Half a teaspoon of honey
- 250-300 ml warm water

Primul pas este sa amestecam drojdia cu mierea si cu putina apa calda si lasam deoparte amestecul pana cand isi dubleaza volumul.

The first step is to mix the yeast with honey and warm water and let the mixture aside until it doubles in size.

Apoi amestecam cele 2 tipuri de faina cu semintele + drojdia dospita. Astfel framantam aluatul pentru 10 minute, pana cand acesta este nelipiciosa si moale. Il lasam acoperit, intr-un loc cald pentru aproximativ 30min- sau pana cand se dubleaza.

Then mix the 2 types of flour + yeast and the seeds. Then knead the dough for 10 minutes until it is non-sticky and soft. We cover the bol where we put the dough, and put it in a warm place for about 30min, or until it's doubled. 

Cand aluatul este dospit, formam chifle din el ( mie mi-au iesit 6 ) si le asezam intr-o tava deja tapetata cu hartie de copt. Le mai lasam la dospit inca 30minute.

When the dough is leavened, we form rolls of it (I had 6 of them ) and place them on a tray that already has baking paper. Leave them to rise for another 30min.

Inainte sa bagam paine in cuptorul incins, le ungem cu putina apa si le taiem la suprafata (ca la franzele).
Le lasam in cuptor pana se rumenesc si trec testul cu scobitoarea!!

Au iesit asa de bune si pufoaseeee!!!

Before putting the bread intp the hot oven, anoint them with water and they cut them at the surface (as in loaf).
Leave them in the oven until crisp and pass the toothpick test!

They came out so good and fluffy!

04 September 2012

Gogosari murati ( fara fierbere) / Pickled ruffled pepper (without boiling)

Cui nu ii plac muraturile??
Aceasta reteta nu necesita fierbere, ceea ce e un lucru bun pentru ca nu isi pierd proprietatile :)

Who does not like pickles?
This recipe requires no cooking/ boiling, which is a good thing because there they keep their benefits :)

Avem nevoie de:
- gogosari, cat mai proaspeti si fara lovituri
- otet ( cam 500ml )
- sare grunjoasa
- piper boabe, mustar boabe, foi de dafin
- optional morcovi si conopida

We need:
- Peppers, as fresh and without spots
- Vinegar (about 500ml)
- Coarse salt
- Pepper seeds, mustard seeds, bay leaf
- Optional carrots and cauliflower

Se spala bine gogosarii, se taie in jumatati sau in bucati ( dupa cum preferati), se curata de seminte si ii punem intr-un bol mare. Apoi amestecam otetul cu mirodeniile si se toarna peste gogosari.  Se amesteca bine de tot , se acopera bolul , si se lasa la macerat 24 de ore. Din cand in cand mai amestecati.

Sa nu turnati apa, chiar daca vi se pare ca nu e destula zeama!!!

Wash very well the peppers, cut them into halves or pieces (as you prefer), clean the seeds from them and put them in a large bowl. Then mix the vinegar with spices and pour over the peppers. Mix everything well, cover the bowl with a napkin and leave to soak for 24 hours. From time to time stir.

Do not pour water, even if you think it's not enough juice!

Dupa cele 24 de ore putem vedea cum gogosarii nostri dragi au strans o gramada de suc. Dupa ce am sterilizat borcanele, ori in cuptor ori le fierbem bine, aranjam gogosarii, conopida si morcovii frumos in borcane. Apoi cu grija turnam sucul lasat de gogosari in borcan. Sigilam borcanele si se pun in camara ( eu nu am camara asa ca ii pastrez in frigider, alaturi de ardeii iuti :) ).

After 24 hours we can see how our dear peppers have gathered a lot of juice. After sterilized  the jars in the oven or by boiling them well, arrange the peppers, cauliflower and carrots nicely in the  jars. Then carefully pour the juice left in the jar over the peppers. Seal the jars and put them in the pantry (i don't have a pantry so keep them in the fridge, along with chili peppers :)).

Sunt gata in aproximativ 2 saptamani, atunci cand sunt crocanti si buni :)

They ready in about 2 weeks when they are  crispy and tasty:)

05 August 2012

Ardei iuti murati / Pickled Chilli Peppers

Pentru ca azi am gasit niste ardei iuti frumosi, m-am gandit , de ce sa nu pun o parte la murat? Nu de alta dar cei care ii gasim prin Octombrie / Noiembrie parca nu sunt asa de iuti.

In plus stim cu totii cate beneficii au ardeii iuti. Cateva dintre acestea ar fii:
- sunt bogati in Vitamina C
- contin o cantitate buna de minerale, precum Potasiu, Magneziu, Fier
- este o sursa excelenta de vitamina A, prin concentratia de carotenoizi pro-vitamina A, inclusiv beta-
- s-a dovedit a reduce nivelul colesterolului din sange si a trigliceridelor

Because today I found some beautiful chilli peppers, I thought, why not put some to be pickle? The reason is just in Octomber / November they are not so hot and good :(

Plus we all know how many benefits have the chili peppers. Some of these would be:
- Are rich in Vitamin C
- Contain a good amount of minerals, like potassium, magnesium, iron
- Is an excellent source of vitamin A, the concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoids, including beta-
- Was shown to reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides

Mai multe informatii le gasiti in tabelul de mai jos:
More information can be found in the table below:

Acum reteta, care e foarte usoara :)
Ne trebuie ( in paranteza gasiti cantitatile pt un borcan de 350gr):
- ardei iuti ( rosi, verzi - nu conteaza- iuti sa fie :) ). Important este sa nu fie patati, loviti sau sa aibe semne pe ei.
- boabe de piper ( 10 boabe)
- sare ( 5 lingurite)
- foi de dafin ( 5-6 frunze dafin)
- zahar - de preferat pudra ( 6 lingurite)
- aproximativ 500ml otet ( depinde de dimensiunea borcanului)

Now the recipe, which is very easy :)
We have (in parentheses find quantities for a jar of 350gr):
- Chilli Peppers (red, green - color doesn't matter-hot it must be :)). Important is not to be stained, beaten or have signs on them.
- Pepper (10 seeds)
- Salt (5 spoons)
- bay leaves (5-6 leaves)
- Sugar - preferably powder (6 tablespoons)
- About 500ml vinegar (depending on size of jar)

1. Se sterilizeaza borcanul. - se pune intr-o oala , cu apa la fiert - aproximativ 30minute.

2. Se spala bine ardeii, eu ii pun intregi. Daca vreti se pot taia si scoase semintele.

3. Se scoate borcanul din apa, trebuie sa fie un pic caldut, si se pot "aranja" ardeii. Puneti inauntrul borcanului: piperul, foile de dafin,sarea si ardeii. Eu pun mai intai cateva frunze de dafin + cateva boabe de piper, apoi asez ardeii urmand sa strecor foile de dafin ramase, presar sarea

4. Intr-un ibric se pune otetul si zahar si se lasa la fiert pana cand zahar se dizolva complet.
5. Cand este destul de fierbite otetul  se toarna in borcanul cu ardei iuti, cu mare GRIJA.
6. Se lasa sa se raceasca apoi se poate pune capacul.
7. Trebuie sa stea in frigider pentru aproximativ 2 saptamani inainte sa poata fi mancati.
8. Se pot pastra in frigider cel putin 4 luni.

Then - please see the pictures above:
Sterilize the jar. - Put in a pot with water to boil - for about 30min.
2. Wash peppers well, I put them whole. If you want you can cut them and remove the seeds.
3. Remove jar from water, should be a little warm, and you can "arrange" the chilli peppers. Place inside the jar : the chilli pepper, bay leaves, salt and pepper. I first put a few bay leaves + a few pepper seeds, and them add the chilli peppers and sprinkle the salt
4. In a pot place the vinegar and sugar and let boil until sugar dissolves completely.
5. When the vinegar is still hot ,pour it into jar with hot peppers, with great care.
6. Allow to cool down and then you can put the lid.
7. It should stay in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks before they can be eaten.
8. You can keep in the refrigerator at least 4 months.