Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

19 February 2013

Roasted pepper soup / Supa de ardei copti

Today I wanted to eat a soup, but something I looked in the fridge and I saw that I have:
- 3 red peppers
- 1 zucchini
- 2 carrots
- 1 onion ( but i needed only a half)
- 2 heads of garlic
- 1 parsnips
- a quarter of celery
- 1 potato
- some lovage leaves
- 3 bay leaves
- some thin pasta

Astazi am vrut sa mananc o supa, dar ceva nou...asa ca m-am uitat in frigider si am vazut ca am:
- 3 ardei rosii
- 1 dovlecel
- 2 morcovi
- 1 ceapa (dar am nevoie doar de jumatate)
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 pastarnac
- un sfert de telina
- 1 cartof
- cateva frunze de leustean
- 3 frunze de dafin
- fidea

I put to boil the potato, the celery, the parsnips and the carrots. The zucchini I slice it and put in the oven with the peppers. When the peppers are ready, i let them cooled a little bit and then I take off the peel.

Am pus la fiert cartoful, telina, pastarnacul si morcovii. Dovlecelul l-am taiat si l-am bagat la cuptor impreuna cu ardeii. Cand ardeii sunt gata, i-am lasat sa se raceasca un pic si i-am curatat.

The boiled vegetables i chopped them and put them into a pot. Also chop the onion and garlic and fry them a little bit then add the peppers and zucchini, with a little bit of salt, pepper and 3 bay leaves .
Let them cook for 5-10 minutes together then let it cool for another 5 minutes.

Legumele fierte l-am taiat marunt si le-am pus intr-o oala. De asemenea am tocat si ceapa si usturoiul si le-am calit putin. Apoi am adaugat ardeii taiati si dovlecelul, cu un pic de sare, piper si cele 3 foi de dafin. Lasati sa fiarba 5-10 minute impreuna si apoi lasati-le la racit pentru alte 5 minute.

Put the mix of above (without the bay leaves), pour the water, the lovage leaves and some thin pasta and let it boil for 10 minutes or so.

Pune-ti amestecul de deasupra (fara foile de dafin), turnati apa, frunzele de leustean si putina fidea si lasati sa fiarba pentru 10 minute.

We ate it with a slice of warm slice of bread!!!
Noi am mancat supa cu o felie de paine calda.


09 February 2013

Winter Salad / Salata de iarna

This is a simple recipe and very tasty one!!
You Need:
- 3-4 carrots
- 1 parsnips
- 1 red onion
- a half of celery root
- 2-3 potatoes
- 3-4 pickled cucumbers
- 3-4 pickled red pepper
- 100gr peas
- 100gr corn
- 1 spoon of mustard
- 1 spoon of vegetable mayonnaise
- salt and pepper

1. Put to boil the carrots, potatoes, parsnips, the onion and the celery. Separately put to boil the peas and in other pot the corn. Do not forget that the onion we will not use, it's just for the flavor.

2. When all of them are boiled: chop the carrots, potatoes, parsnips and celery. Also chop the pickled cucumbers and red pepper.

Este foarte usor de facut si foarte buna.
Aveti nevoie de:
- 3-4 morcovi
- 1 pastarnac
- o ceapa rosie
- o jumatate de radacina de telina
- 2-3 cartofi
- 3-4 castraveti murati
- 3-4 gogosari murati
- 100gr de mazare
- 100 gr boabe de porumb
- 1 lingurita de mustar
- 1 lingurita de maioneza vegetala

1. Se pun la fiert: morcovii, cartofii, telina, pastarnacul si ceapa rosie. Separat puneti la fiert mazarea si in alt vas porumbul. Nu uitati ca ceapa nu o vom taia, este doar pentru aroma.

2. Cand toate au fiert: taieti morcovii, cartofii, pastarnacul si telina. De asemenea taiati si castravetii si gogosarii murati.

3.Mix all together very well and also put the mustard and mayonnaise.

4. Enjoy your salad!

3. Amestecam toate ingredientele foarte bine si de asemenea adaugam si mustarul si maioneza.

4. Bucurati-va de salata!!