Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

25 June 2012

Mancare de mazare / Peas Stew

Pentru o mancarica de mazare avem nevoie doar de 4 ingrediente:
- mazare
- 2 morcovi
- 1 ceapa micuta
- 2-3 linguri bulion de rosii

Primul pas este sa taiem ceapa marut, o calim putin intr-o oala. Intre timp, ne asiguram ca morcovii sunt curatati si taieti rondele. Ii adaugam si pe acestia in oala impreuna cu o cana de apa.

Ii lasam sa fiarba 2-3 minute, apoi adaugam si mazarea + inca o cana de apa.Punem capacul la oala si lasam sa fiarba pana cand mazarea este fiarta ( atunci cand bobul este moale). 

Inainte cu 5 minute sa o luam de pe foc, adaugam sarea, piperul si lingurile de bulion. Peste cele 5 minute, o putem lua de pe foc si servi cu multa pofta :)

For a peas stew you only need four ingredients:
- peas
- 2 carrots
- 1 small onion
- 2-3 tablespoons tomato sauce

The first step is to chop the onions  , an
d roast  in a little bit in the pot. Meanwhile, make sure the carrots are peeled and sliced. Then add them in to the pot with a cup of water. 

Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes, then add the peas + water. Put the lid on to the pot and let it simmer until the peas are cooked (when the peas are soft). 

Before 5 minutes to take the pot from the stove, add the salt, pepper and tomati sauce tablespoons. Over those five minutes, we can enjoy our delightful meal :)

20 June 2012

Mancare de cartofi / Potato Stew

Aseara ne era dor de o mancarica de cartofi cu o salata acrisoara de varza. Apetisant , nu alta.
Mi-a trebuit doar:
- 5 cartofi
- 2-3 rosii coapte
- 3 ardei rosii
- o ceapa rosie
- sare, piper
- oregano si busuioc
- optional un morcov
-cateva frunze de patrunjel

Last night we missed a potatoes stew with some sour cabbage salad. Very yummy, indeed.
You need only:
- 5 potatoes
- 2-3 tomatoes
- 3 red peppers
- a red onion
- Salt and pepper
- Oregano and basil
- Optional: 1 carrot
-a few leaves of parsley

1. Am taiat ceapa cuburi, si am pus-o un pic la calit. Cand s-a rumenit un pic, am adaugat feliile de morcovi si 100ml de apa, si am lasat sa fiarba 2minute.

2. Apoi am adaugat si bucatelele de ardei, inca 100ml de apa si m-am apucat de taiat cartofii in 4-5 bucati si ii adaugam pe rand in cratita. Cand i-am pus pe toti, am mai pus cam inca 100ml de apa, si am lasat la fiert 10minute.

3. Intre timp am decojit rosiile, le-am taiat cubulete si le-am adaugat in oala. Am pus capacul si l-am lasat la fiert cam 20minute ( pana cand cartofii sunt fierti).

4. Apoi am adaugat sarea, piperul, oregano-ul si busuiocul si am mai lasat pe foc inca aproape 5-10 minute, dar fara capac. Inainte sa mancam, am pus i castron cateva frunze de patrujnel.

Si gata, a iesit o mancare de cartofi superba, nu a mai ramas nimic de pe o zi pe alta :)

1. I cut the onion into cubes, and put them to cook a little. When they are roasted a little bit, I added the sliced ​​carrots and 100ml of water and let it simmer for 2min. 

2. Then I added bits of pepper and another 100ml of water. Then I started to cut the potatoes into 4-5 pieces and add them individually in the pot.  

3. When I put them all I have put about another 100 ml of water, and left to boil while I peeled the tomatoes and cut them into cubes and then added them into the pot, for another 10minutes. The last step is to let them boil with a cover on the pot and I let them boil for about 20 min (until the potatoes are cooked, try with a fork).

4. Then I added salt, pepper, oregano and basil and let to cook for another 5 to 10 minutes, without cover. When you want to eat, add some parsley leave into the bowl.

17 June 2012

Smoothie de pere / Pears smoothie

Cine vrea ceva racoritor si bun?? Ai niste pere si eventual lapte de soia si un blender la indemana? Perfect, amesteca-le bine pana  devine o spuma, pune-le intr-un pahar cu niste gheata si gata smoothie-ul !!!

Who wants something refreshing and very good? Do you have some pears and possibly some soy milk and a blender in the kitchen? Perfect mix them very well, untilis like a foam, then put them in a glass with some ice and that's our smoothie!

Rezultatul este ceva incredibil de gustos!! Puteti inlocui perele cu banane,mere sau orice alt fruct vreti voi!!
The result is something incredibly tasty! You can substitute the pears, with bananas, apples or any fruit you want!

14 June 2012

Salata de ardei copti / Roasted pepper salad

Ce e mai racoritor decat o salata de ardei copti??
Ne trebuie:
- ardei kapia
- otet ( 2-3-4 linguri, dupa preferinta)
-2-3 catei de usturoi
- sare

Primul pas este sa coacem ardeii, Cand sunt copti ii punem intr-o folie de aliminiu si ii lasam sa "transpire" 10minute. Apoi vor fi foarte usor de curatat. 

Dupa ce i-am curatat, ii punem intr-un bol, destul de adanc, turnam otetul peste ei. Curatam si taiem feli usturoiul , il punem in bol si amestecam bine. 

NU uitam sa adaugam si sarea, si lasam la frigider cel putin 1 ora , pentru ca ardeii sa absoarba destul otet si sa se raceasca.

II putem servi alturi de orice garnitura!!!

What is more refreshing than a salad of roasted peppers?
We need:
- red ( long) peppers
- Vinegar (2-3-4 spoons, as you prefer)
-2 - 3 cloves of garlic
- salt

The first step is to bake the peppers, When they are baked put them in an aluminum foil and let them "sweat" for 10min. Then they will be very easy to remove the peel.

After they are clean, put them in a bowl deep enough and pour the vinegar over them.Clean and cut the garlic into slices and put it in the bowl and all mix well.

DO NOT forget to add the salt, and let in the refrigerator at least 1 hour.

II can be served along with any garnish!

10 June 2012

Supa crema de rosii / Tomato cream soup

Noua ne plac foarte mult supele creme. Astazi am gasit niste rosii tare bune si zemoase, asa ca am profitat si pe langa o salata de rosii am facut si o supa de rosii. Nu am cuvinte cat de bune au iesit amandoua :)

Tot ce ne trebuie este:
- cateva rosii mari si zemoase
- 3-4 morcovi
- 2-3 cepe rosii
- o telina micuta
- 2 ardei kapia, copti
- 3-4 foi de dafin
- sare si o lingurita de zahar
- crutoane
We like so much the cream soups. Today I found some very good red and juicy tomatoes , so I thought to make  ​a salad and a tomato soup.
 I can not say how good they were :)

 All we need is: 
- Some big and juicy tomatoes 
- 3-4 carrots 
- 2-3 red onions 
- A little celery 
- 2 red peppers, roasted 
- 3-4 bay leaves 
- Salt and a teaspoon of sugar 
- croutons 

Am taiat legumele astfel: cepele in 4, morcovii in bucati, telina in 4 si ardei kapia copti in cate 3 bucati.
Apoi pus intr-o oala legumele, fara rosii si ardei, si foile de dafin le-am lasat 2-3 min sa se caleasca, apoi am pus si rosiile si lingurita de zahar, apa, cat sa le acopere pe toate. Ardeii i-am pus dupa aproximativ 10minnute. 

Am lasat legumele sa fiarba aproximativ 30minute.Intr-un castron scoatem legumele ( cu cat mai putina supa) , indepartam foile de dafin si le macinam cu un blender vertical. Cand compozitia este omogena, o punem inapoi in oala si o mai lasam sa dea in clocot inca o data. In acelasi timp eu am pus si crutoanele in supa.

A iesit o minunatie de supa crema de rosii, aromata. 

I cut the vegetables like: onions in 4 pieces, carrots in 4-5 pieces, celery in 4 and peppers in 3 pieces.

 Then put the vegetables in a pot (without the tomatoes and peppers) , and the bay leaves for 2-3 minutes, just to roast a little bit, Then add the tomatoes, put the sugar, and the water, just enough to cover them all. I put the red peppers after 10minutes. 

I let the vegetables simmer for about 30minutes. Put the vegetables in a bowl (with a little bit of soup), remove the bay leaves and grind them with a vertical blender. 
When the composition is homogeneous, put it back in the pot and leave to a boil again ( ~5minutes). At the same time I put into the soup hte croutons. 

It was a great, aromatic soup!!! 

08 June 2012

Rondele de ceapa / Onion rings

Cui nu ii plac onion rings??
Va trebuie:
- 1-2 cepe mari
- 100 gr faina
- un varf de sare si piper
- jumatate de pliculet de praf de copt
- un pic de boia dulce
- apa minerala , aproximativ 200ml
- ulei pentru prajit

Ceapa se taie rondele, destul de late, 1-2cm grosime, dupa care despartim fiecare felie in inele.

Amestecam faina cu sarea, piperul, paprika si praful de copt apoi adaugam apa minerala. Compozitia trebuie sa iasa destul de densa ca sa lipeasca de inele de ceapa.

Urmatorul pas e sa trecem inelele prin aceasta compozitie, le lasam pe o farfuri sa se scurga un pic de surplus, si le prajim in ulei. 

Tigaia in care prajim trebuie sa aibe bordurile inalte si punem cam cat 3 degete de ulei, avem grija sa punem inelele doar cand uleiul este incins. Sunt gata cand sunt aurii si crocante, aproximativ 3-4 minute maxim. Cand sunt gata ii scoate pe un prosop de hartie, ca sa absoarba uleiul de pe ele!!!

Noi le-am mancat cu cartofi la cuptor si pentru ca nu am avut timp sa fac un sos salsa, i-am mancat o parte cu sos dulce-acrisor, o parte cu banalul ketchup :). Alaturi am avut, normal, o salata de varza rosie!!

Sa aveti pofta!!!

Who does not like onion rings? 

You need:
- 1-2 large onions
- 100 g flour
- A pinch of salt and pepper
 - half a sachet of baking powder
- A little sweet paprika
 - Mineral water, about 200ml
 - Oil for frying

First slice the onions into rings, quite wide, 1-2cm thick, then split each slice into rings.
Mix flour with salt, pepper, paprika and baking powder, then add the mineral water. The composition must be dense enough , it has to stick on the onion rings.

The next step is to get rings in this composition, the leave them on a plate to drain the little surplus, and fry them in oil.
The pan fry must have high curbs and put about three fingers of much oil , take care to put rings only when oil is hot.

They are ready when they are golden and crispy, this would take about 3-4 minutes maximum. When the onions are frie
d put them on a paper towel, to soak up oil of them!

We have eaten them with baked potatoes and I didn't had time to make a salsa sauce, so we eat the half of the onion rings with sweet and sour sauce and half with some ketchup :). Near of them we had, of course, a salad of red cabbage!


05 June 2012

Clatite / Pancakes

Nu de putine ori am auzit expresia :  " nu poti face prajituri fara lapte si oua". Pot sa va contrazic!!
Clatitele sunt cele mai usoare!!
Nu va trebuie decat:
- 200-300gr faina
- apa minerala
- 100ml ulei ( inseamna cam 3 linguri pline )
- 75gr zahar ( cam 2 linguri si jumatate)
- un varf de cutit de sare
- pentru o aroma deosebita eu pun un pic de scortisoasa si un putina esenta de rom

Often I hear the expression "you can't bake without milk and eggs". And I disagree!
Pancakes are the easiest!
You only need:
- 200-300gr flour
- mineral water
- 100ml oil (it means about 3 full tablespoons)
- 75gr sugar (about 2 tablespoons and a half)
- A pinch of salt
- For a special flavor I put a little bit of cinnamon and a little bit of rum extract

Se amesteca toate ingredientele pana cand avem o compozitie asemanatoare smantanei ( trebuie sa fie un pic mai groasa decat la clatitele cu oua si lapte). O lasam la frigider aproximativ 2 ore. Cand o vom scoate din frigider, vom obseva daca mai este nevoie sa adaugam faina sau apa. La mine a mai trebuit putina apa.

Le prajim intr-o tigaie de Teflon, fara ulei!!!

Mix all ingredients until you have a similar composition of cream (must be a little more thicker than the pancakes with eggs and milk). Leave it in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. When we remove it from the refrigerator, we may add some flour or water, if it's necessary. In my case I had to add some water. Fry them in a Teflon pan, but please without oil!

Cand s-au mai racit putem sa le umplem dupa bunul plac. Eu am umplut jumatate cu nutella, jumatate cu gem de afine.

When they have chilled a little bit you can fill them with want you want. I fille half of them with Nutella and half with blueberry jam.

In cazul in care nu se mananca toate, va recomand ca peste cele ramase sa se puna o farfurie. 

If you will not eat all of them , I recommend that over the remaining pancakes you can put a plate over them.

I hope you will Enjoy it!!!

04 June 2012

Salata de fructe/ Fruit salad

Buna dimineata!!!

Ca mic dejun am ales sa mancam o salata de fructe, nimic mai simplu.
Am pus in salata:
- un mango
- o para
- un mar
- un sfert de pepene rosu
- 2 banane

Le-am taiat si amestecat impreuna. Eventual puteti adauga si un pic de inghetata :)

Good morning! 

As a breakfast we chose to eat a fruit salad, nothing easier.
I put in the salad:
- A mango
- A pear
- 1 apple
- Fourth of watermelon
- 2 bananas

Cut them and mixed together. Eventually you can add a little ice cream :)

03 June 2012

Tocanita de ciuperci / Mushroom stew

Pentru ca de foarte mult timp nu am mai mancat o tocanita de ciuperci si ieri am cumparat niste ciupercute foarte frumoase, m-am gandit sa nu mai stau pe ganduri si sa o gatesc.

We didn't ate for a long time a mushroom stew and because yesterday I bought some beautiful mushrooms, I thought to cook this today.  

Tot ce va trebuie este:
- 500gr ciuperci
- o ceapa rosie si 2-3 catei de usturoi
- un ardei
- o rosie
- un pic de bulion ( 2 linguri)
- 2-3 foi de dafin si sare.
- o lingurita de boia dulce

All you need is:
 - 500gr mushrooms 
- A red onion and 2-3 cloves of garlic 
- A pepper 
- A tomato 
- A little bit of tomato sauce (2 tablespoons) 
- 2-3 bay leaves and salt. 
- A teaspoon of paprika 

Spalam si curatam ciupercile, le taiem felii ( nu prea subtiri), tocam si ceapa si usturoiul.

Apoi calim intr-o tigaie de Teflon, cu putin ulei, ceapa si usturoiul. Urmeaza apoi sa adaugam boia, lasam un minut, si punem ardeiul ( taiat cubulete). Ii lasam sa fiarba un pic si punem si ciupercile pentru 2-3 min. 

Apoi amestecam intr-un vas bulionul cu putina apa , si adaugam in tigaie de teflon. Amestecam bine, punem sarea si piperul, foile de dafin si rosia taiata cubulete si lasam la fiert aproximativ 30 minute.

First you have to wash and clean the mushrooms, then cut them into slices (not too thin), chop and onion and garlic. 

Then fry in a Teflon pan with a little bit of oil,  the onion and garlic. When the onion and the garlic until they are golden brown, then add the paprika, leave one minute, and then add the pepper (cut into cubes). 

I let it simmer a bit and then add the mushrooms for  2-3 minutes. Meanwhile mix in a bowl the water with the tomato sauce, and add it into the Teflon pan. 
Mix well, put salt and pepper, bay leaves an the tomato choped into cubes and let boil about 30 minutes. 

Noi am mancat tocanita cu mamaliga. A fost delicioasa!!!

We ate the stew with polenta. It was delicious!

02 June 2012

Cartofi dulci la cuptor/ Baked Sweet potatoes

Brusc ni s-a facut dor de cartofi dulci la cuptor.  Ne plac petru ca au un gust de dovleac, un pic dulceag, si de obicei ii mancam langa ceva mai acrisor. Combinatia e perfecta!!!
Nimic mai simplu de atat, mi-a trebuit doar:
- un cartof dulce
- 2 cartofi mici
- un ardei 

Suddenly we miss the taste of the sweet potatoes. We like them because they have taste of a pumpkin, a bit sweet, and we usually eat them with something sour besides. The combination is perfect!

Nothing is more simple, you just need:
- A sweet potato
- 2 small potatoes
- A pepper

I-am curatat si taiat felii, i-am pus intr-un vas de yena si i-am lasat la cuptor sunt aproape gata. Apoi luam o tigaie de telfon si ii rumenim un pic, peste ei am pus peste ei, sare, piper si un pic de oregano. Astfel vor fi rumeniti la exterior, dar moi inauntru.

 I peeled them and sliced​​. Then I put in a yena vessel and I left the oven to be almost ready.Then take a pan of telfon and fry them a little bit and add salt, pepper and a little oregano. This will be crispy on the outside but soft inside. 

I-am mancat cu o salata de varza rosie.
We ate them with a salad of red cabbage.