Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

14 June 2014

Spicy pepper stew / Mancare picanta de ardei

First of all i want to say sorry that i didn't wrote for a long time..but i've been busy with some other projects and work.

Today's recipe is very easy and perfect for this hot summer.
All you need is:
- red, yellow and green peppers
- onion and garlic
- peeled tomatoes
- carrots
- chilli
- oregano, rosemary and thyme
- olive oil
- salt and pepper

Slice the peppers, carrots and onion very thin. Heat one pan with a little bit of olive oil and put the peppers,carrots, onion and garlic in. After a few minutes add the tomatoes (very thin chopped with all the sauce that they left) and leave it for a few minutes. At the end put the chilli and all the herbs.

We ate it with pickles.

In primu rand vreau sa-mi cer scuze pentru ca nu am mai scris demult, dar am fost ocupata cu alte proiecte si cu serviciul.
Reteta de azi este foarte usoara si e tocmai buna pt canicula de afara.
Tot ce va trebuie este:
- ardei rosii galbeni si verzi
-ceapa si usruroi
-rosii decojite
-ardei iute
- oregano, busuioc si cimbru
-ulei de masline
- sare si piper

Se felieaza ardeii, morcovii si ceapa foarte subtire. Se incalzeste o tigaie cu putin ulei si se pun toate legumele inauntru. Dupa cateva minute adaugam si rosile (foarte marunt tocate, impreuna cu sosul pe care l-au lasat) si se lasa cateva minute. La sfarsit se adauga ardeiul iute si toate condimentele.

Noi am mancat mancarica cu muraturi.

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