Nu am mai facut demult o paine in casa, asa ca am fost si am cumparat tot ce imi trebuie pentru o paine pufoasa si sanatoasa :)
Avem nevoie de:
- 400 gr faina integrala de grau
- 50-75 gr faina de secara
- seminte de in, ovaz, floarea soarelui ( sau ce mai vreti voi)
- drojdie, eu o prefer pe cea uscata
- sare
- jumatate de lingurita de miere
- 250-300 ml apa calduta
It's been a long time since I made a bread, so I went and bought everything that I need for a healthy fluffy bread :)
We need:
- 400 grams of whole wheat flour
- 50-75 grams of rye flour
- Seeds, of flax oats, sunflower ( or anything that you want)
- yeast, I prefer the dry one
- salt
- Half a teaspoon of honey
- 250-300 ml warm water
Primul pas este sa amestecam drojdia cu mierea si cu putina apa calda si lasam deoparte amestecul pana cand isi dubleaza volumul.

The first step is to mix the yeast with honey and warm water and let the mixture aside until it doubles in size.
Apoi amestecam cele 2 tipuri de faina cu semintele + drojdia dospita. Astfel framantam aluatul pentru 10 minute, pana cand acesta este nelipiciosa si moale. Il lasam acoperit, intr-un loc cald pentru aproximativ 30min- sau pana cand se dubleaza.
Then mix the 2 types of flour + yeast and the seeds. Then knead the dough for 10 minutes until it is non-sticky and soft. We cover the bol where we put the dough, and put it in a warm place for about 30min, or until it's doubled.
Cand aluatul este dospit, formam chifle din el ( mie mi-au iesit 6 ) si le asezam intr-o tava deja tapetata cu hartie de copt. Le mai lasam la dospit inca 30minute.
When the dough is leavened, we form rolls of it (I had 6 of them ) and place them on a tray that already has baking paper. Leave them to rise for another 30min.
Inainte sa bagam paine in cuptorul incins, le ungem cu putina apa si le taiem la suprafata (ca la franzele).
Le lasam in cuptor pana se rumenesc si trec testul cu scobitoarea!!
Au iesit asa de bune si pufoaseeee!!!
Before putting the bread intp the hot oven, anoint them with water and they cut them at the surface (as in loaf).
Leave them in the oven until crisp and pass the toothpick test!
They came out so good and fluffy!