Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

30 July 2012

Legume umplute / Filled vegetables

Imi cer scuze ca nu am mai postat nimic aproape de o luna...dar ne-am mutat, si pana au venit cei cu internetul a durat....parca o vesnicie :(

Intre timp am gatit legume ( rosii, vinete, dovlecei, ardei, cartofi ) umpluti cu ciuperci,orez +miezul de la dovlecei + vinete + rosii.

Pentru asta va trebuie:
- 2 vinete
- 2 dovlecei
- 2 ardei
- 2 cartofi
- 2 rosii tari
- 1-2 cepe verzi
- 100-200g orez

Pentru sos va trebuie:
- 2 rosii zemoase
- 2 morcovi
- cateva frunze de dafin
- sare, piper si apa

I am so sorry for not posting anything for awhile ... but we moved, and to move the internet connection took like forever....: (

Meanwhile I cooked vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, potatoes) stuffed with mushrooms, rice + core of eggplant + zucchini + tomatoes.

For this you need:
- 2 eggplants
- 2 zucchini
- 2 peppers
- 2 potatoes
- 2 tomatoes countries
- 1-2 green onions
- 100-200g rice

For the sauce you need:
- 2 red juicy
- 2 carrots
- A few bay leaves
- Salt, pepper and water

Primul pas este sa pregatim toate legumele:
- spalate & curatate
- taiate astfel: vinetele rondele ( destul de groase), idem si dovleceii, apoi se scoate cu atentie miezul

The first step is to prepare all the vegetables:
- Wash & clean
- Cut like this: eggplant slices (quite thick), same for the  zucchini , then carefully remove the core


- rosiile, cartofii si ardeii se curata de miez
- for the tomatoes, potatoes and peppers just  clean the core core,again carefully

Urmatorul pas este sa punem aproximativ 1 L de apa la fiert cu o lingurita de sare. Cand da in clocot, stingem focul si punem cu atentie bucatile de dovlecei pentru aproximativ 5 minute.

Aranjam toate legumele in tava avand grija sa se alterneze.

The next step is to put about 1 liter of water to boil with a teaspoon of salt. When it boils, turn off  the heat and carefully put the pieces of zucchini into for about 5 minutes.

Arrange all the vegetables into the pan an
 make sure to alternate them.

- orezul se fierbe in prealabil. Intr-o oala puneti 1l apa + o lingura de ulei + orezul. Uleiul se pune pentru ca bobul de orez sa ramana intreg.

- intr-o tigaie de teflon se pune ceapa verde taiata rondele si se caleste un pic. Apoi adaugam miezul de la dovlecei + vinete + rosii+ ciupercile taiate cubulete + 100ml apa si astepam sa fiarba un pic ( 5min). 

For the filling:
- Boil the rice in advance. In a pan put 1 liter water + oil + rice spoon. The oil helps the grain of rice to remain whole .

- In a Teflon pan place sliced ​​onions and fry them a little. Then add the middle of eggplant + zucchini + tomato + choppemushrooms + 100ml water and boil them a little bit (5min).

Adaugam si orezul + inca 100ml apa si lasam la fiert pentru aproximativ 10 min ( nu uitati sa puneti sarea si piperul ). Cand totul este fiert , lasam sa se raceasca.

+ the rice + another 100ml water  and let them boil for about 10 minutes (do not forget to put salt and pepper). When everything is cooked, leave to cool down.

Cand umplutua e rece, incepem sa umplem bucatile de legume din tava cu grija.
When it's cold, we begin to fill the vegetables pieces from the tray ,carefully.

Sosul se prepara astfel:
- rosiile se taie cubulete mici
- morcovii, ori se taie bucatele mici ori se dau prin blender
- adaugam si foile de dafin
- mie mi-a mai ramas putina umplutura asa ca am amestecat-o cu sosul

The sauce is prepared as follows:
- Tomatoes choppeinto small cubes
- Carrots,  cut into small pieces or take them through the blender
- Add the bay leaves
- after i filled all the vegetables , i still had some filling, so i mxed with the sauce

In cuptorul preincalzit inainte, pune tava cu legume ( fara sos) pentru aproximativ 5-10 minute ( depinde de cat de incinsa e tava). Apoi putem sa adaugam si sosul si lasam la foc mic pentru aproximativ 20-30minute.

Noi i-am mancat calzi si bine am facut!!!!

In preheated oven before, put the tray with vegetables (without sauce) for aprox 5-10 minutes (depending on how hot is the oven). Then we can add the sauce and leave to simmer for about 20-30min.

We eat warm and well we did!!

09 July 2012

Ciorba de loboda / Orach soup

Pentru ca pietele sunt plina de verdeturi, m-am hotarat sa fac, pentru prima data, ciorba de loboda. Asa ca mi-am luat inima in dinti si am cumparat:
- 5-6 legaturi de loboda
- 2 cartofi
- 2 morcovi ( stiu ca in mod normal nu se pun, dar noua ne plac foarte mult :) )
- o ceapa ( de preferat verde, eu am pus uscata)
- o legatura de leustean
- bors sau zeama de lamaie
 - sare si piper

Because the market are full of veggies, I decided to cook, for the first time, orach soup. So I took my courage and bought:
- 5-6 ties of orach
- 2 potatoes
- 2 carrots (I know that in the recipe there is no carrots, but we like them very much :) )
- An onion (preferably green, I used dried)
- A bunch lovage
- Soup or lemon juice
- Salt and pepper

Cartofii curatati si spalati, ii taiem in cubulete mici, la fel si morcovii. Ii punem la fiert intr-o oala aproximativ 15 minute, dupa care adaugam ceapa taiata marut si loboda taiata in fasii. 

Lasam apoi inca aproximativ 20-30 minute la fiert, dupa care adaugam borsul sau zeama de lamaie. Peste alte 5 minute punem si leusteanul tocat marut , amestecam si putem sa luam ciorba de pe foc.
A iesit minunat, pot sa spun ca nu a mai ramas nimic dintr-o oala.


Peel and wash the potatoes, cut them into small cubes, as well as the carrots. I put them to boil in a pot for about 15 minutes, then add the onion that was cut into strips. 

Chop also the orach and let it boil for another 20-30 minutes, then add lemon juice or sour. Over another 5 minutes we can add the chopped lovage, mix it and we can enjoy our meal.

It came out wonderful, I can say that there is nothing left in a pot.

06 July 2012

Frappe de vara / Summer frappe

Vara vrem mereu ceva rece, racoritor si eventual fara prea multi conservanti. Nu i-asa?
Ne trebuie doar:
-200ml lapte de soia
- 2-3 piersici
-2-3 caise

Putem laptele in congelator pentru aproximativ 2 ore, astfel incat sa fie 80% inghetat. Apoi spalam bine fructele, le taiem si le punem in blender.

Cand formeaza o compozitie omogena putem si laptele inghetat si blenduim cateva minute.Turnam repede intr-un pahar, sa nu se topeasca fulgii de gheata, si o savuram ca pe o delicatesa in mijlocul verii.

Always Summerwe want something cold, refreshing and possibly without too many preservatives. Isn't it?
We need only:
-200ml soy milk
- 2-3 peaches
-2 - 3 apricots

We put the milk in the freezer for about 2 hours, so that it will be 80% frozen. 
Then rinse the fruits, cut them and put them in blender.

When they form a homogeneous composition we can add the frozen milk and blend for another 2 minutes.
Pour quickly into a glass, so the ice flakes won't melt , and enjoy your delightful frappe in mid-summer.