Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

16 March 2013

Sweet potato Burger/ Burger din cartof dulce

As spring is around the corner..I thought that I should try to cook some vegan burgers :)
So in the following days i will think how to make various burgers :)
My first try it was with sweet potatoes.
My burger it's made from:

- 2 sweet potatoes
- 100-150gr chickpea ( or soybean powder)
- 2 carrots
- 1 red pepper
- half an onion ( or 2 fresh/green onion)
- 2-3 cloves or garlic
- spices: a teaspoon of ground turmeric, a little bit of basilic and oregano, salt, pepper, sweet paprika
- a spoon of rice
- a teaspoon of mustard

- a chilli pepper or chilli flakes
- a teaspoon of soy sauce
- water

Precum primavara este aproape..m-am gandit ca as putea incerca sa gatesc niste burgeri vegani :)
Asadar in zilele urmatoare o sa ma gandesc sa fac diferiti burgeri :)
Prima mea incercare a fost cu cartofi dulci.
Burgerul meu a fost facut din:
- 2 cartofi dulci
- 100-150gr de naut ( sau pudra de soia)
- 2 morcovi
- 1 ardei rosu
- jumatate de ceapa (sau 2-3 fire de ceapa verzi)
- 2-3 catei de usturoi
- condimente: a lingurita de turmeric, un pic de busuioc si oregano, sare, piper si boia dulce
- o lingura de orez
- o lingurita de mustar

- un ardei iute sau fulgi de chilli
- o lingurita de sos de soia
- apa

First you have to put to boil the chickpea and the potatoes. Meanwhile chopp into very small pieces the carrots, pepper, onion and garlic.

Then fry a little bit the onion and the garlic (i put a little bit of olive oil into the pan, for2-3 minutes) and then add the carrots, peppers and the rice into the pan. Let them boil for 5 minutes , then add the spices and stir very well. Turn off the heat and put a lid over the pan and let it cool for 5-10 minutes.

Primul pas este sa punem la fiert boabele de naut si cartofii. Intre timp taiati marunt morcovii, ardeiul, ceapa si usutoriul.

Apoi caliti un pic usutoriul si ceapa ( eu am pus un pic de ulei de masline, pentru 2-3 minute) si apoi adaugati cubuletele de morcovi,ardei si orezul in tigaie. Lasati-le la fiert pentru 5 minute, apoi adaugati condimentele si amestecati foarte bine. Inchideti aragazul, acoperiti tigaia si lasati sa se raceasca 5-10  minute.

As our chickpea and sweet potatoes are boiled, put them into a blender and make it a smooooth pasta.

Take a bowl and mix our chickpea-sweet potato mix with the carrots-pepper mix very well. Then add the mustard and the soy sauce. If is too thick add a little bit of water.

Cand nautul si cartofii au fiert, ii punem intr-un blender pana cand obtinem o compozitie omogena.
Intr-un castron amestecati compozitia de naut-cartofi cu compozitia din tigaie foarte bine. apoi adaugati mustarul si sosul de soia. Daca este prea groasa sau tare mai adaugati putina apa.

Preheat the oven at 180degree. Then form the burgers and place them into the tray. Let them in the oven until they are brownish.

Incalziti cuptorul la 180 de grade. Se formeaza burgerii si se aseaza intr-o tava. Se lasa in cuptor pana cand prind o culoare maronie - crocanta.

We ate them with salad and homemade ketchup.

They were indeed delicious...tomorrow i will try to make with spinach :)

Noi i-am mancat cu salata si ketchup de casa.

Au iesit intredevar delicios..maine o sa incerc sa fac cu spanac :)

03 March 2013

Garlic Bread / Paine cu usturoi

Yesterday I made a flavor bread. It had garlic, oregano, basilic and rosemary!!
It's not hard to make it!!
You need:
- 500gr flour
- 25gr fresh yeast
- a spoon of salt
- vegerable butter ~50-100gr
- spicies (i put oregano, basilic, rosemary and a little bit of chilli)
- 4 cloves of garlic
- a spoon of honey or 2 spoons of sugar
- a little bit of olive oil
- warm water ~300ml

Ieri am facut o painica aromata. Avea usturoi, oregano, busuioc si rozmarin!!!
Nu este greu de facut!
Ai nevoie de:
- 500 gr faina
- 25gr drojdie proaspata
- a lingurita de sare
- unt vegetal: ~50-100gr
- condimente ( eu am pus oregano, busuioc, rozmarin si un pic de chilli)
- 4 catei de usturoi
- o lingurita de miere sau 2 lingurite de zahar
- un pic de ulei de masline
- apa calda ~300ml

First put in a small bowl the yeast (cutted in small cubes), the spoon of honey/sugar and 50ml of warm water. Mix it together very well and leave it for 10 minutes. After it should be like in the photo below:

Prima data pune drojdie intr-un castron (taiata in cubulete mici), lingurita de miere/zahar si 50ml de apa calda. Amesteca-le impreuna foarte bine si lasa-l la dospit pentru 10 minute. Dupa aceea trebuie sa arate ca in poza de mai jos:

After the yeast has done its magic, put the flour into a big bowl, with the salt and the yeast. Mix it and then pour little by little the warm water. From time to time add a little bit of olive oil instead of flour.  The dough it has to be smooth and soft.
Take another bowl..and spread a little bit of oil on his walls and put the dough. Cover the bowl with a thin towel for an hour to rise.

Dupa ce drojdia si-a facut magia, punem faina intr-un castron mai mare, cu sarea si cu drojdia. Amestecam si turnam putin cate putin apa calduta. Din cand in cand inlocuiti faina cu uleiul de masline si framanatati in continuare. Aluatul trebuie sa fie moale si neted. Eu am framantat cam 10 minute.
Apoi luam un alt castron si il ungem cu ulei de masline. Punem aluatul in el, il acoperim cu un prosop subtire si il lasam la crescut o ora.

Meanwhile take the butter and mix it with the crashed garlic and spicies!
Intre timp luam untul si il amestecam cu usturoiul zdrobit si condimentele!

After the dough has rised, spread a little bit of flour on the table and extand it at the size you wanted. I cook it in pizza mine it's round.

Dupa ce aluatul a crescut, presaram putina faina pe masa si il intindem pana cand ajungem la marimea dorita. Eu am copt intr-o forma de pizza, asadar va fi rotunda.

When you have the size you want, put it in a cooking tray (that already has baking paper) and put the flavor butter on it.

 Cand este de marimea dorita, o punem in tava (care are deja hartie de copt) si o ungem cu untul pregatit.

Put it in the oven at 170-180 degress , for about 20-30minutes, until it pass the toothpick test.
And ..... this is it!!

Se pune la cuptor la 170-180 de grade pentru 20-30 de minute, sau pana cand trece testul scobitorii.
Si....aceasta este...