Nu ne trebuie decat:
- fasole verde ( atat proaspata cat si congelata)
- o ceapa rosie
- cativa morcovi ( 2-3)
- sare, piper
- bulion
Healthy and tasty!
We just need:
- Green beans (as you preffer: fresh or frozen)
- A red onion
- A few carrots (2-3)
- Salt and pepper
- tomato juice
Primul pas este sa taiem ceapa, o calim putin si adaugam si morcovii taiati rondele. Lasam 2-3 minute sa caleasca putin , adaugam o cana de apa si lasam sa mai fiarba pentru inca 5 minute.
The first step is to cut the onion a little and roast it a lttle bit, then add the sliced carrots into the pot. Let it roast for 2-3 minutes then add a cup of water and let it boil for another 5 minutes.
Apoi adaugam fasolea, si daca mai este necesar si apa ( pana cand apa acopera fasolea) si mai lasam la fiert. Cand totul este fiert adaugam bulionul, sarea si piperul si bagam oala la cuptor pana se rumeneste putin ( la foc mic).
Then add the beans, and if you need more water add it (until the water covers the beans) and leave it to boil. When everything is cooked add the tomato juice, salt and pepper and put the pot in the oven until the stuffing is crunchy.