Recipes for fasting / Retete de post

03 March 2015

Beetroot Soup / Ciorbita de sfecla rosie

We love beetroot!! We eat it in salad, pickled and soup!!
Beetroot is sweet, colorful and full of fiber and vitamins!

Today I want to share with you the recipe of beetroot soup. It's easy and delicious!!!
All you need is:
- 3 beetroots
- 2-3 carrots
- 2 potatoes
- 2 red bell peppers
- 50ml olive oil
- salt
- juice from one lemon

First you have to grate the beetroots and carrots. Then chop the red bell peppers very thin.
Put them in a pot with the oil for 3 minutes, then add water (1-2 liters) and leave it boil for another 30 minutes.
After that you can add the potatoes, chopped as cubes and leave another 10 minutes to boil.
At the end add the lemon juice. Leave to boil another 5 minutes.

You can eat it with a chili pepper and cereal bread!

Noi suntem indragostiti de sfecla rosie!! O mancam in salate, murata si ca ciorbita!!
Sfecla este dulce, colorata si plina de fibre si vitamin.

Astazi vreau sa impart cu voi reteta de ciobita de sfecla rosie. Este usoara si delicioasa!!
Aveti nevoie de:
- 3 sfecle
- 2-3 morcovi
- 3 cartofi
- 2 ardei rosii
- 50 ml ulei de masline
- sare
- suc de lamaie sau bors

Pentru inceput dati pe razatoare sfeclele si morcovii. Apoi taiati foarte fin ardeii.
Puneti-le intr-o oala, in care ati pus in prealabil uleiul, si lasati la calit pentru 3 minute. Apoi adaugati apa (aproximatifv 1-2 litri) si lasati la fiert pentru 30minute.
Apoi adaugati cartofii taiati cubulete si mai lasati la fiert inca 10minute.
La sfarsit se adauga sucul de lamaie sau borsul si fierbeti inca 5minute sau pana cand da in clocot.

Se poate manca cu ardei iute si paine de cereale!!