- 500gr of fresh mushrooms (i used a mix of them - they have different flavors)
- olive oil
- vegetable soup or simple water
- vegetable cream. Here we have one from Alpro and one from Richs. I like this one from Richs.
E minunata..asa ca o nu o mai lungesc mult:
- 500gr ciuperci proaspete (eu am folosit un amestesc - fiecare are gustul ei)
- 1 ceapa
- ulei de masline
- supa de legume sau apa
- smanatana vegetala. Aici gasim de la Alpro si de la Richs. Mie imi place cea de la Richs.
First chop the onion and cook it in a pot with a little bit oil until is translucent. Then add the chopped mushrooms and vegetable soup / water and let it boil for 30min.
Put this composition again into a pot and add the cream, salt and pepper. Let it 5 minutes.
Meanwhile let's make some croutons. Slice some bread pour some olive oil on each on of it. We put also some Za'atar on them. Put them into the oven for 5 minutes or till the are crunchy.
I serve it with some parsley.
It was so good that my husband asked for another plate. :-)
Mai intai tocam ceapa si o calim in putin ulei. Apoi adaugam ciupercile , supa sau apa si o lasam sa fiarba 30minute.
Dupa ce ciupercile au fiert, le punem intr-un blender pana cand obtinem textura dorita. Apoi adaugam din lichidul din oala in care au fiert.
Intre timp putem sa facem niste crutoane. Felieaza o paine, stropeste feliile cu putin ulei de masline. Noi am adaugat si putin Za'atar peste ele. Puneti-le la cuptor pentru 5 minute sau pana cand devin crocante
L-am servit cu putin patrunjel.
A fost asa de bun incat sotul meu a mai cerut o portie. :-)