In plus stim cu totii cate beneficii au ardeii iuti. Cateva dintre acestea ar fii:
- sunt bogati in Vitamina C
- contin o cantitate buna de minerale, precum Potasiu, Magneziu, Fier
- este o sursa excelenta de vitamina A, prin concentratia de carotenoizi pro-vitamina A, inclusiv beta-
- s-a dovedit a reduce nivelul colesterolului din sange si a trigliceridelor
Because today I found some beautiful chilli peppers, I thought, why not put some to be pickle? The reason is just in Octomber / November they are not so hot and good :(
Plus we all know how many benefits have the chili peppers. Some of these would be:
- Are rich in Vitamin C
- Contain a good amount of minerals, like potassium, magnesium, iron
- Is an excellent source of vitamin A, the concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoids, including beta-
- Was shown to reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides
Mai multe informatii le gasiti in tabelul de mai jos:
More information can be found in the table below:
Acum reteta, care e foarte usoara :)
Ne trebuie ( in paranteza gasiti cantitatile pt un borcan de 350gr):
- ardei iuti ( rosi, verzi - nu conteaza- iuti sa fie :) ). Important este sa nu fie patati, loviti sau sa aibe semne pe ei.
- boabe de piper ( 10 boabe)
- sare ( 5 lingurite)
- foi de dafin ( 5-6 frunze dafin)
- zahar - de preferat pudra ( 6 lingurite)
- aproximativ 500ml otet ( depinde de dimensiunea borcanului)
Now the recipe, which is very easy :)
We have (in parentheses find quantities for a jar of 350gr):
- Chilli Peppers (red, green - color doesn't matter-hot it must be :)). Important is not to be stained, beaten or have signs on them.
We have (in parentheses find quantities for a jar of 350gr):
- Chilli Peppers (red, green - color doesn't matter-hot it must be :)). Important is not to be stained, beaten or have signs on them.
- Pepper (10 seeds)
- Salt (5 spoons)
- bay leaves (5-6 leaves)
- Sugar - preferably powder (6 tablespoons)
- About 500ml vinegar (depending on size of jar)
- Salt (5 spoons)
- bay leaves (5-6 leaves)
- Sugar - preferably powder (6 tablespoons)
- About 500ml vinegar (depending on size of jar)
1. Se sterilizeaza borcanul. - se pune intr-o oala , cu apa la fiert - aproximativ 30minute.
2. Se spala bine ardeii, eu ii pun intregi. Daca vreti se pot taia si scoase semintele.
3. Se scoate borcanul din apa, trebuie sa fie un pic caldut, si se pot "aranja" ardeii. Puneti inauntrul borcanului: piperul, foile de dafin,sarea si ardeii. Eu pun mai intai cateva frunze de dafin + cateva boabe de piper, apoi asez ardeii urmand sa strecor foile de dafin ramase, presar sarea
4. Intr-un ibric se pune otetul si zahar si se lasa la fiert pana cand zahar se dizolva complet.
5. Cand este destul de fierbite otetul se toarna in borcanul cu ardei iuti, cu mare GRIJA.
6. Se lasa sa se raceasca apoi se poate pune capacul.
7. Trebuie sa stea in frigider pentru aproximativ 2 saptamani inainte sa poata fi mancati.
8. Se pot pastra in frigider cel putin 4 luni.
Then - please see the pictures above:
1. Sterilize the jar. - Put in a pot with water to boil - for about 30min.
2. Wash peppers well, I put them whole. If you want you can cut them and remove the seeds.
3. Remove jar from water, should be a little warm, and you can "arrange" the chilli peppers. Place inside the jar : the chilli pepper, bay leaves, salt and pepper. I first put a few bay leaves + a few pepper seeds, and them add the chilli peppers and sprinkle the salt
4. In a pot place the vinegar and sugar and let boil until sugar dissolves completely.
5. When the vinegar is still hot ,pour it into jar with hot peppers, with great care.
6. Allow to cool down and then you can put the lid.
7. It should stay in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks before they can be eaten.
8. You can keep in the refrigerator at least 4 months.
1. Sterilize the jar. - Put in a pot with water to boil - for about 30min.
2. Wash peppers well, I put them whole. If you want you can cut them and remove the seeds.
3. Remove jar from water, should be a little warm, and you can "arrange" the chilli peppers. Place inside the jar : the chilli pepper, bay leaves, salt and pepper. I first put a few bay leaves + a few pepper seeds, and them add the chilli peppers and sprinkle the salt
4. In a pot place the vinegar and sugar and let boil until sugar dissolves completely.
5. When the vinegar is still hot ,pour it into jar with hot peppers, with great care.
6. Allow to cool down and then you can put the lid.
7. It should stay in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks before they can be eaten.
8. You can keep in the refrigerator at least 4 months.